3 were the usual blue color, but...

"What the hell does a red gate mean?"

(Y/N), who has spent the last 2 years doing nothing but shutting these gates becomes extremely concerned at the change in color.

We have to do something about this.

Despite none of us speaking, we all silently agree the date can wait. The three of us rush to the mountain face.

"I'll have my strongest soldiers, as well as a handful of underlings split between two gates. I'm getting the red one, and if you two can handle one together, I'd appreciate it."


I give him a quick salute, earning a chuckle from him.

"Ready to show the fruits of our efforts, Petals?"


"Workshopping a nickname for you. Because of your last name."

"Hm... It's unique!"

"Just say you don't like it."

"N-no! It's cute! Really!"

I grab the girl by her wrist.

"Gimme a joyride."

Ruby activates her semblance, quickly launching us toward a gate. The joyride ends a little ways before we reach said gate, but as we get close, I notice (Y/N)'s shadows moving from one to another.

They're supposed to be split in two...

"Hey, Ruby... Go inside and get a feel for the place. I need to check this one real quick. I'll be right behind you!"

Ruby glances over at my target, but nods.

"Okay. Be quick and safe!"

"Yes ma'am!"

I give her a salute as well, rushing toward the ignored portal.

"... Papa?"

"Oh...! Cecilia."

"What are you doing here?"

"I am a part of a squad created for portal tracking and subjugation."

"... In Mistral?"


He sighs.

"I wanted to keep an eye on you without directly interfering..."

"What?! Stop coddling me! Let me finally- ugh, there's no time for this!"

"You are correct. My squad and I will handle this gate. I encouraged the strongest of the shadow soldiers to help their comrades in the other gate."

"... Okay. Good luck."

"I'd like to say a lot of things to you after this, Cecilia. I have apologies to give."

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