Dance Partners

883 17 9

"May I have this dance?"

"-Jaune... What are you wearing??"


"May I have this dance?"

"Hehe... Yes, (Y/N)!"


"May I have this dance?"

"-Sure, Sun."


Why am I thinking about this now?


"What the heck is Jaune wearing?!"

"Jeez, Ruby, what's wrong with a man wearing a dress? You think that's gross? I thought you were better than that."

"Shut up, shut up!!! Jaune wouldn't wear a dress, don't lie!"

"I mean... He's clearly wearing one, right now."

"No, I mean...! Jeez... You're such a bully, (Y/N)..."

"And you're a stereotyper."


Ah. That night seriously was a blast.


I slice Pyrrha's dagger out of her hand, gasping deeply for breath. My aura reserves have been cut down immensely, and the red-head with newly shortened hair is collapsed before me.

"Thank you for the dance, Pyrrha... But I'm already taken."

"Heh... So am I..."

Her weak response shows just how much she had put into this. Despite her aura being on the verge of shattering for half of the fight, she had managed to whittle me down... She's clearly a pro.

"I'll be sure to take it easy on your team."

"They won't need it."

Her words are... Odd-


I'm knocked to my knees by an extremely forceful hammer swing on my back.

Immediately after the strike finishes...

Skill: Speed

I appear behind Nora.

Skill: Critical Strike

And shatter her aura, causing her to give a slight groan before falling to the ground.

"Gah, I back away for one second!"

Yang's annoyed voice reaches my ears, so I turn to her.

"I'm fine, but Pyrrha wore me out... Can't focus as well as usual."

"Oh? Perhaps you should sit the next fight out, lead-"

"Help your sister, Yang. I've got Blake."

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