Part 50: Disregard

Start from the beginning

"Sorry for being honest with you," Wally said and shrugged. "Oh, I'm just kidding. I am sorry for poking at your sensitivities, my friend."

Howdy sighed. "I forgive you, Wally. I'm sorry for being so abrasive."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Yeah. You said some pretty rough things, you know."

"No need to rub it in," Howdy chuckled. He leaned in and squinted at Wally. "If you steal any more apples, I'll grab you by the ascot and chuck you into the forest, okay? Have a good day!"

Wally stared at Howdy in surprise... Had Howdy just threatened him? It didn't matter. He had finally apologized for terrorizing Howdy even though he would be stealing again soon. He tried not to think about his future crime.

Wally leaned against the front door and waited for you, taking a silent nap as he did so.

Howdy left his counter and walked over to you nervously, his hat held over his heart.)

"Would you like to go visit Julie with me sometime soon?" Howdy asked me quietly. I looked up at him before standing up

"Of course! That will be so much fun. Let me know when it is, okay?! How exciting!" I sang. I twirled for a moment. "I'm ready to check out, by the way!"

Howdy nodded and smiled. He walked me over to the counter before bagging my items and handing me the paper bag.

"Have a delightful day!" Howdy waved to Wally and me as we left.

We made it back home. I lingered by my front door to check on my flowers.

(Wally was glad they had made it back to the house. He placed the paper bag on the kitchen counter and took a curious peek into it.

You had picked up some apples, chocolate, and new records along with other things that weren't as interesting. He was especially interested in the apples and records.

Wally did not remove them from the bag, however. You probably had some plan in mind, and he did not want to ruin that. Not now.

He made his way back over to the front door and took a peek outside. You were still crouching, staring intently at all of your flowers: red spider lillies, blue hyacinths, and camellias. What a pretty combination, he thought to himself as he closed the door again.

Wally walked over to the large bay window in the living room. He pictured two armchairs facing it.

"Hmm... that would be very nice, I think," Wally chuckled. He stepped out of the living room and walked into his room to work on his plan some more..

Wally froze. Why was his previous telephone on his nightstand? It was obvious this wasn't your doing.

Wally picked up the phone and dialed the number on the spinning dial hesitantly.

"Did you do this?" Wally asked sharply.

"Yes, Mister Darling," a timid voice answered. Wally grumbled quietly.

"Why did you hang up?"

"S-sorry, mister sir! B-Boss didn't want me talking to you at that moment!"

Wally flopped onto his bed, dejected. Still, he held onto the phone. "Okay. I understand. I still have something urgent to discuss later. Call me some time around midnight."

"Yessir," the voice replied quickly. Wally hung up.

"What an inconvenience," he sighed. Wally did not enjoy having to rely on someone else's schedule. He had no choice in this case, however.

Today did not have to be miserable, though! Everything depended on his mindset, and Wally definitely needed a happy, bright outlook on life as he knew it.

Wally marched out of his room and opened the front door. He stood on the step quietly before speaking.)

"Ready to go visit Barnaby?" Wally asked me. I jumped a bit, surprised by his sudden appearance. I nodded quickly.

"Wonderful! Let's go, then," Wally smiled. I took the hand he had offered me carefully.

A few minutes later, we had made it to Barnaby's house. Wally knocked on the door.

Barnaby answered it. He seemed surprised to see the two of us looking up at him.

"'Ello, 'ere. What are you two doin' o'er here?"

"I'm here to check on you, Barnaby friend," Wally gave him a thumbs up.

"That's real considerate. Uh, sorry 'bout not tellin' ya 'bout my lil' secret," Barnaby sighed. He opened the door a little more and leaned against the doorframe.
"That's all I got."

"Good to hear you're doing better," Wally sighed with relief.

"Yeah! We've been a bit worried, you know," I added.

"Really? I'm... honored ta hear that. Now, would it bother ya if I had a lil' word with my yellow buddy?" Barnaby bent down to my height and whispered. I shook my head and threw my hands up.

"Not at all! Go ahead!" I reassured him. I was terribly curious, but I dis not want to snoop any more than I had been today. I stepped away and studied a stepping stone by Barnaby's house. It had the footprint of a chicken, it seemed. It was ornately decorated, and very interesting to look at.

(Barnaby chuckled heartily as he watched you study the concrete stepping stone. He turned his attention back over to his favorite little friend.

"How's yer life been, friend? We haven't really talked in a while, eh?"

Wally folded his hands behind his back and nodded once. "Yes. It has been a while, Barnaby. Well, as you already know, I have moved into a neighbor's house. I will be staying there for an indefinite amount of time."

"Hahah, I already knew that, ya lil' twerp. How's the marriage been, hm?"

Wally tilted his head and stared up at Barnaby. He did not understand. "Marriage? Frank and Eddie are enjoying their lives. Frank is struggling again, but other than that, they've been happy."

"Tsk tsk. Not that. Ya really don' know? M'kay, I'll quit pokin' and proddin' ya 'bout it," Barnaby chuckled again. He placed a firm paw on Wally's head, this time without fear of ruining his hair.

"Please tell me, Barnaby! I am very curious!"

"No, no. I'll tell ya 'nother time, mhm? I dunno, call me when ya wanna know, I s'pose." Barnaby shrugged.)

I waddled back over there once Barnaby gave me the signal to come over. He yawned and rubbed his eye.

"'Tis 'bout time I take another one of them naps. Take care, Darlings," Barnaby waved at us. I waved back. Wally blew him a kiss and skipped home. I followed after him, ready to continue the day.

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