Her only wish and prayer is to spend the rest of her life with him happily and peacefully.

She hadn't realized she was crying till Halimah screamed dramatically that she was ruining her makeover, and that got everyone's attention who were making videos and busy on social media platforms.

"What's wrong? Why're you crying and all of a sudden?"

"You've started missing us already? Aww Nadiya we'd miss you so much too!"

That seemed to even add up to her cries somehow and they all began to cry as well, gathered around her in tears. Few minutes later, Khadijah got a call from Hikmah so she released herself from the girls and picked the call quickly, already anticipating the good news.

"Umar just called. It's official!" Hikmah said loudly. Khadijah could hear background noises, it was clear there's a gathering which included lots of people.

"Aww! Alright alright thank you sister-in-law!!" Khadijah quickly hung up, ready to share the news.

"It's official guys, they just got married!" Khadijah loudly said and all the girls squealed, screaming "aww" on top of their voices. Nadiya who was crying didn't realized when she let out a laugh due to their actions.

"Congratulations Nadiya!" Khadijah was first to congratulate by hugging her tightly, followed by the rest who joined and formed a group hug.

"Congratulations Mrs. Umar!!" Hafsah added.

They were busy on it when Nadiya's mother entered. She smiled and moved forward to join the hug. They all sensed it and smiled when their eyes landed on her. They released the hug and dabbed their cheeks with a tissue to clean the tears.

"Our makeover is ruined now. We need to call the makeup artist back to fix our faces." Halimah said and the rest nodded.

Hajiya Hadiya moved closer to her daughter and touched her head, smiling. Nadiya smiled back.

"Ma Sha Allah you look beautiful my dear." She said with a soft smile.

"You also look incredibly beautiful Mama!" Nadiya said while scanning her mother's dress. It was a brown lace with plenty of beads around it, sewn into a blouse and wrapper which she tied around her waist. She had a starchy brown material around her shoulder which Nigerians call ashoke. She wore a gold necklace and each on her earlobes, two on each of her wrist and a gold ring on her finger as well. A brown head tie up her head which was amazingly tied in a step to step way. Her makeup was light just like her skin. She looked gorgeous.

"Thank you. I had to look nice on my only daughter's wedding." She gave a short laugh, her eyes now glassy. "By the way, congratulations. May your home be blessed dearest and I pray Allah unite and make you two stay happy together In Sha Allah!"

"Ameen Mama." She hugged her mother who was standing in her front. She was just about to cry again when her mother laughed softly and shook her head.

"Don't cry. We still need to send you off, if you finish your tears now, which will you shed when you're leaving to your husband's home?" They all laughed and Nadiya laughed too, though it was a half sobbing laugh.

"Yes Aunt. Also, tell her not to make us cry again because this is going to be the last makeover we'll make!" Hafsah playfully scolded Nadiya making Hajiya Hadiya and Nadiya to laugh.

Just then, the makeup artist entered and after exchanging greetings, she began to repair their makeover again. Minutes later, she was done and after thanking her and she acknowledged, she left.

"You all look wonderful Ma Sha Allah!" Hajiya Hadiya commented with a smile.

"Thank you Aunt!" Most of them replied with a grin.

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