Part 42: Barnaman

Start from the beginning

"I am quite sure, Barnaby. I would not be opposed to the idea, however," I paused. "Oh, but don't tell Wally I said that, okay? It would be... quite the conversation, I think."

"Tell 'lil buddy, you say? 'Kay. I'll tell 'im next time I see 'im," Barnaby laughed heartily. I grumbled, but it wasn't because I was upset. I didn't really know why, but it didn't matter. There were more important things at hand.

"Barnaby, you jokester! You should add Jokes-a-lot-aby to your list of nicknames."

"Maybe I will... Ya know, ya can help me if ya really wan' to... Just be warned. If I were you, I'd wait for 'lil bud to come back then tag along when he comes to visit me," Barnaby sighed. I thought about it for a bit.

"Okay! I will accompany Wally, then. He might get home late, though."

"Home? Definitely a married couple. Anyways, that's fine. Tell 'im I can wait if he comes home all late and sleepy like."

"Okay. Thank you, Barnaby! Oh! Would you please come to our tea party? We have no set date for it, but we'll let you know once we do."

"Shore would. Jus' remind me an' I'll show up," Barnaby answered. "See ya later, shorty."

Barnaby hung up. I went back to reading the newspaper. I would wait for Wally to come home, then I'd ask if I could go visit Barnaby with him, then I'd wash Wally's hair out. It had been a while since he last did his hair, and it was about time he got tid of all the product buildup. Luckily, he wasn't crusty. Yet.

I sighed and leaned back against the cushioned back of the armchair. Did I really want to see what Barnaby was going on about? It was definitely going to be a disturbing visit. There was no doubt about that.

I dozed off in the chair at some point, the newspaper folded neatly in my lap. I didn't know how long I had napped, but I woke up to Wally closing the front door. He had just arrived!

(Wally was feeling rather irritated. Everyone was relying on him too much again. He tried not to mind, though. His friends needed him, and he knew it. He sighed as he entered the house.

Still, at least he had you. You didn't rely on him for anything, really.)

"Wally! How are you?!" I jumped out of my seat and hugged him. I stepped back and waited for his answer.

Wally chuckled and turned away from me. He began taking off his coat. Today had been rather cold, so it was good he had brought bis blue coat cardigan type thing with him.

I hummed and waited for him to answer.

(In reality, Wally did not need to take off his coat. He had only done it so he could turn away from you. His cheeks were pink again.

Wally inhaled slowly. He hung his coat up and turned around to face you.)

"I'm doing alright. Thank you, my dear."

I sighed, but I tried to keep my cheery demeanor up. Wally was stressed again.

"Oh, dear. Don't be stressed! Of course, simply saying that won't help you.... Hm...." I snapped my fingers. "Oh! Barnaby needs your help. It's still early, so go wash your hair."

"Okay... but I don't have any more hairgel or spray," Wally laughed dully. He loved doing his hair, so this was a rather devastating moment for him.

"Nope. You need to go take a shower. Besides, you look fine with your hair down," I waved a hand dismissively. Wally chuckled.

"Alright, alright.. I'll go.." he mumbled.

I went back to reading my newspaper. Wally returned a few moments later. He was wearing a knitted white sweater with an apple in the center.

"See? Having your hair down isn't so bad. Howdy had a shipment coming over for you soon, anyway," I stood up. Wally exhaled sharply.

"Okay.. I'll take your word for it." Wally paused. "Would you like to accompany me while helping Barnaby out? Wait... you don't have to. I'm not sure if it would be alright..."

"That's okay, Wally. I'll tag along!"

(Wally regretted asking you now. You'd probably see something unsettling. Wally grumbled and tied his shoelaces as he thought.

If he was good enough, he could keep you from seeing anything.)

I watched Wally tie his shoes. I knew that he probably regretted asking me, but it was fine. I was curious about Barnaby, anyway. I understood the risks involved, but j couldn't help myself. I was terribly fascinated with Barnaby's hollowness. I had noticed it some time ago, though I didn't remember when.

"Ready?" Wally opened the front door. I nodded and followed him.

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