How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part One

Start from the beginning

Natalie agreed with Gabby as she asked her whether they can return to the question that she asked her, which would be how Jay, Alex and their twins are doing; and that is something that she's glad that she can talk about, especially since she can see Jay relaxing more and more each and every day. "I can tell you this, they are in a much better place than they were a few weeks ago." Gabby agreed with Natalie as she said that. "And have you told them that? Because I know when I was in the NICU, I needed to be told that all the time." Natalie laughed as she heard Gabby say that, as she was well aware that was the case. "Gabby, you don't think I remember that? Remember, I was your doctor for crying out loud!" Gabby smiled as she heard Natalie say that, well aware that was the case. "I'm just glad that they're in the NICU here, because I trust this place more than anything in the entire world." Natalie agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "And how are you guys feeling? Being back in Hawaii?" Gabby smiled as Natalie asked her how she felt about being back in Hawaii again, and the truth was...she was really enjoying it, especially the warm weather that they have.

"Honestly, I didn't expect to feel this happy to be back in Hawaii; nor did I even realize just how much I truly missed Hawaii. Being back here with Matt and the boys has been everything, and I am so glad that this is where we decided to live. In fact, we recently decided that we need to share with everybody; and I think we were going to do it at a group meeting, but we might as well just talk to you guys about it now that you're up here." Natalie was a bit confused as she heard Gabby say that, unaware of what (exactly) she was talking about right now; I mean, what decision did they need to make...and why would it affect them? "Okay, I am just going to play dumb here; and I am going to ask you what the heck you're talking about Gabby. I mean, you're not exactly making that much sense right now. What do you mean you need to talk to me about something? And that you might as well do it while I'm up here?" Gabby took a breath as Natalie asked her what she was talking about, because she knew that she was (originally) planning on talking to her about it when Matt came to join them up here (again). But now that Natalie has asked her, she doesn't feel like she can really hide it.

Especially not from her doctor, whom she has promised to be completely honest with; as she wants to have the same in return, during her entire pregnancy. And that's why she feels a need to tell Natalie what she was talking about, even though she was certain that they were (probably) going to talk about it over supper; the four of them, as soon as Will and Matt were back with supper. "It's about the future on the company." Natalie got a bit concerned as she heard Gabby say that, as she thought that they were going to change courses. "Oh god, are you guys thinking of no longer doing the PTSD c..." Gabby just stopped the doctor right there, as that most definitely was not the case; nothing is going to change when it comes to their plans for the company itself, which is a message that she plans on telling her (along with telling her what was going to change). And that was the location of their headquarters, which was the only thing that was changing; the fact that they have decided to make Hawaii their permanent home, and that they are done going back and forth. They are going to stick it out here, and they are going to deal with whatever they need to deal with here in Hawaii.

"Oh god, no. That wasn't at all what I was going to talk about Natalie. Please, don't even think that way; because I can assure you this, Matt will never give up on that project. And we both know why that's the case." Realizing that, Natalie let out a sigh of relief; after all, that was how she was employed here at the company. The clinic was where her job was, and there was no job at Casey for her if there was no clinic. "Sorry, I was just worried." Gabby agreed with Natalie as she said that, clearly able to see that was the truth. "I promise Natalie, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to that. We are staying here in Hawaii, and we are also dedicated to make sure that the clinic starts as soon as it's ready, which we are really hoping to get it done soon, so that you can start working there full-time." Natalie agreed. "Or, at least; whenever we're here in Hawaii." Gabby smiled as Natalie brought that up, as it was the perfect transition for the actual topic that they needed to talk about right now. "Actually, that's the exact topic that we need to talk about right now." Natalie was a bit confused as she heard Gabby say that, but she decided to hear her out for that exact reason.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now