Start from the beginning

"Good job, Brooke," Chiron appreciated the satyr. "You should go to the goddess' shrine and give her your regards, with Mr.D's permission."

The coke guy put up a thumbs up, not looking away from his game.

The satyr nodded, and he turned around. "Be good, kid," he told me.

And then he walked away from the Big House and higher up the Hill, where a large building stood.

"What is that?" I asked Chiron, pointing to the building.

"It is the temple of Alexandra," Chiron said. "She protects all warriors and heroes on their quests."

"Why do you have a temple for her?"

"She didn't want a cabin," the coke guy said. "We asked."

"Now, child," Chiron said, "what do you know about Greek-"

"Ooh, ooh, I know the story of Arachne and Athena!" I exclaimed.

Coke guy frowned. "How come she's more popular these days?"

Chiron smiled. "Alright, then. I am Chiron, and I am a centaur. This is Mr. D, or Dionysus, the god of wine."

"Wine?" I scowled.

Mr. D scowled right back at me, scanning me up and down. "Got a problem with that, kid?"

"My father used to drink that..." I muttered, looking down. "It's.."

His glare softened at once. "Ah, I see. Of course."

Chiron looked at me with pity. "Okay," he said, smiling softly. "How about I take you to the shrine of Alexandra? I think you'll love it. Plus, you get a horse ride free."

"I do?" I asked, my eyes shining.

"Yes, you do."

Three minutes later, I got down from Chiron's back, feeling refreshed. "We should do that again!" I said.

"Uhhh...." Chiron started. "Maybe later."

Alexandra's shrine was not just a building. It was a monument, literally.

A large gateway stood in our way to the shrine. It was built from pure white marble, inlaid with rubies and emeralds and stones I could never name. Words of gratefulness and stories of heroes were carved into the marble beautifully, so well that even I could read them without difficulty. The archway's borders were decorated with gold. Intricate designs were carved into the stone, some depicting heroes cutting through monsters, some showing a woman bestowing wealth and blessings on people.

The inside was way cooler. Gardens flanked the shrine itself left and right. A corner of the garden was reserved for roses. Red, yellow, white, pink, all grew together in their corner, their smell so powerful I could feel it twenty meters away. The ponds were filled with pink lotuses, lilies, white lotuses, and they grew so well that I couldn't see the water below them. Cherry blossoms floated in front of my eyes as the air blew against us. Orchids and tulips grew in between, taking up all the space, except the pathway to the temple, which was a dirt road, cleared of all flowers and weeds.

The temple was the main highlight. It was so big I couldn't see the shadow of it's tip on the ground. The temple itself looked like a divine chariot, led by four very real looking white marble lions, each twice the size of an actual elephant. Seven great columns held up the temple's roof. It seemed like the builders had combined Greek elements with the designs of other religious buildings over the world.

Chiron told me that we had to remove our shoes before going in. I removed my shoes and socks, and we washed our feet in the cold water at the pond right next to the temple. As we stepped inside, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming feeling of calmness wash over me.

"It is her power," Chiron said. "The temple of the goddess will always provide protection to her heroes."

At the center of the temple was a marble statue way larger than the lions outside. It was the same woman I had seen the day before. Her hair was braided, her armor made from black-blue gold and yellow gold. She did not wear a crown. In her hand, there was a glowing trident. She seemed to be smiling at me, but at the same time, I felt an enemy wouldn't feel the same if he came in. She was stern, yet kind, merciless, and yet caring.

To her side were game boards, dance halls, special weapons, cannons, tables for leisurely discussion, bowls filled with fresh fruits and food.

"This is where we spend our free time," Chiron said. "All of this.. the goddess has provided for demigods."

"W-Wow," was the only word I could say.


Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now