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“I condemn the day I laid my eyes on you. I cannot even describe how much I despise you!” The alpha sneers in anger. 

Taehyung’s eyes brim with tears, taking in a rigid breath as he takes a step back. “Let me leave, then. Let me go. Why are you doing this?!” 

“Then leave! Go! Get out of here!” Jungkook roars, his whole face twisting with fury as he takes a threatening step towards the omega who tries to take a step back, a shaky breath escaping him. Jungkook’s hands tighten around his arms as his eyes flash red. “I have had it with you! First, it was my business deal, now this! Every time you’re around me, every single time! Just get the fuck out, Taehyung!” The alpha drops his hands and turns around, breathing heavily as he forces himself to calm down. 

Taehyung swallows, his tears failing him as they roll down his cheeks. He hurries to wipe his tears before straightening himself, “You know I can’t just leave, right?  You know that I’m stuck here with you. Fuck, I just hate you so fucking much!  You coward!” The omega screams, his eyes burning with tears of frustration as he lunges forward and pushes the alpha. Jungkook barely stumbles, but the push is enough to allow Taehyung to let out some of his anger.

“Why did you marry me? Huh? Why did you say yes! Why would you do this to yourself? If you hate me that much, if you cannot even describe the hatred you have for me, then… why the hell would you marry me!”

Jungkook turns around with eyes flashing pure red as he clenches his jaw and takes another step towards the omega who stands tall, their height difference allowing the alpha to tower over him.

The alpha scoffs mockingly, “Do you think I did it for you? Do you think I cared about you at all? I did this because of my parents. They pushed me, threatened me and nagged me nonstop. I got tired of it. Why did you say yes?”

Taehyung’s face twists with hurt as he looks at those eyes that are slowly turning back to their dark colour. He takes in a deep breath as he blinks away the burning feeling in his eyes. “For the same reasons.”

“Really?” Jungkook chuckles, leaning away for a moment before he turns to glare at the omega again, “You are in this for the money. A gold digger is what you are.”

Taehyung’s lips part as he stares at the alpha in disbelief, “did you forget who my parents are?”

“I didn’t and that is exactly why/ you’re a fucking gold digger. The Kims are nothing compared to the Jeons. We rule South Korea’s entire business industry, and you are merely the underdog. I don’t know what you father did to convince mine to have you fucking marry me, but he succeeded and I am the one suffering!” The alpha booms with the last sentence and Taehyung can feel the thick scent of fury and disdain in the air reeking from the alpha, suffocating him.

The omega gasps for breath softly as he stumbles back only to lean onto the wall behind him, his eyes burning with unshed tears that he refuses to let go. He refuses to appear weak before the  alpha. He refuses to appear small.

“You are the one suffering?” Taehyung lets out a humourless laugh in between his soft attempts in inhaling air that is not tainted with the alpha’s suffocating scent. “Do you even know how much I hate seeing your stupid face everyday? Do you think I enjoy how I have to share a damn house with you?”

Jungkook’s jaw ticks in irritation, his gaze hardening, “why wouldn’t you enjoy it? Was that not what you and your pathetic family wanted? A rich alpha you can leech off of?”

“Shut the hell up,  Jungkook!” Taehyung screams in anger, pressing both his palms to the alpha’s chest as he pushes him back. “I never needed you!”

Another push.

“ I never wanted you! I have always hated you so much to the point that I’ve dreamed of getting rid of you with my bare hands!” Angry tears roll down the omega’s cheeks as his throat burns with held back sobs. His pushes get weaker every time he pushes the alpha back, with every push he feels it. How humiliated he is, how helpless he is.

“I never— I want to leave this hellhole! I don’t want to ever see you again!” The omega rasps between his stuttering chest and his tears of anguish.

When Taehyung attempts to push him one more time, the alpha is quick to take hold of both of his wrists— pressing him up against the wall. “Listen to me carefully, omega. You are not going to leave. Before a year, you are going nowhere. This marriage, this bullshit will go on for only a year. You’ll have to pretend that we’re happily married in front of our parents whether you like it or not. You have no problem acting anyway, right? It is your speciality.” Jungkook’s lip curls in disgust.

“You mean shit to me. The only thing you have to do is stay the fuck away from me. Do not attempt to intervene in my business, I’ll make your life a living hell.”

“It is already hell—”

“Shut the fuck up, Taehyung! The pathetic stunt you pulled today caused my investors to fucking leave! Will your family handle the losses? All the money I’ve lost today, will you fucking pay it back?”

Taehyung stays silent.

The alpha smirks mockingly, “of course not. You cannot do that. You can only live off of me like a damn parasite.”

The omega curls his fingers into a tight fist before punching the alpha right in his chest, causing him to stumble back and press a hand to where it hurts.

"You are lucky my fist did not land on your face instead." Taehyung spits angrily.

Jungkook grits his teeth, taking a step forward.

"Jungkook." Both of them turn their heads to where Yoongi stands by the door, few files in his hands as his eyes go back and forth between them.

The omega pushes himself off the wall before storming outside, not sparing the glaring alpha a glance.

"The investors are willing to brush it off as a minor mistake, they want to talk to you," Yoongi announces nonchalantly, not bothering to comment on the latter's state.

"Let’s go," Jungkook replies, brushing his hair back using his fingers and swiftly adjusting his clothes before snatching the files from Yoongi's hands, and walking past him. Yoongi rushes behind him.

"Jin talked to them and apologised on behalf of us."


Jimin wraps his fingers around Taehyung’s wrist the moment he sees him and pulls him aside. "What did you do?"

Taehyung groans, "Hyung,"

"Seriously, what did you do? We heard Jungkook screaming from all the way over here."

Taehyung chews on his bottom lip, sighing.

"I sent the files that were meant for the investors to his competitors instead and a not very friendly mail to the investors."


"He called me all types of names! He had it coming, that spoiled motherfucker."

Jimin raises a brow at him, "my God, isn't he your husband?"

"Let’s just— stop talking about him before I punch something."

"I don't get you two."

Taehyung swallows before he lets out a breath he was holding. "I don't either. Anyways,  let’s go have lunch."

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