Prelude - The Renegade's Syllogism

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A candle flickered on the old wooden table by the wall across from a wide bed made of stone. The light from the candle illuminated the right side of the dark room, leaving the far left covered in shadows, as its glow stopped at the center of the room over a young man sleeping quietly on the stone bed.

Alice stood leaning on the wall a few spaces across from the foot of the stone bed, her arms folded and her left foot standing on the tip of her leather boot behind her right ankle. The light from the candle danced across the right side of her face, as she watched Jirell sleep with a sultry smile present on her lips.

As he laid on the concrete bed engraved with images of a wolf, his eye opened, and he propped his head up to see Alice looking right at him with a mischievous smile. He sat up and leaned against the wall, then cricked his neck by turning it left, then right, to alleviate a feeling of stiffness.

By turning his head he realized his back was stiff as if he couldn't bend it, causing him to wonder why it felt that way. He pressed his hands against the hard concrete, feeling the cut in the engraved drawings. No wonder his body felt like that. What kind of bed was this? he thought. With the glow of the weak candlelight flickering across his arms, he realized the pale complexion of his skin returned. He rubbed his arms to feel the normal texture and warm temperature of his skin. It no longer felt like hot boiling water.

He then placed his hands over his bare chest to examine the rest of his body, and realized he was stripped of all his armor and weapons. He looked at his legs to see he had on gi trousers with an obi cloth wrapped around his waist to keep the baggy pants secure, his bare feet near the edge of the stone. This was a style of clothing usually worn by Northern Sagarans.

Alice leaned off the wall and placed her hands on her hips with one of her feet apart, revealing her long smooth legs behind the slit in the side of her surcoat dress. She wore a bodice as her top and a short sleeve jacket over the bodice. She smirked, "So you're up huh sleepy? I was wondering when you'd wake up."

Jirell looked up at her with a brooding stare aimed at the slit revealing her smooth legs. He could tell she was probably the one who altered the surcoat dress so the slit could go way up past her hip. Altean women would never be allowed to wear something like that, or even have it made. Was she even Altean? Jirell thought as his cold eyes wandered along her chest, where he could see two small yet perfectly round shapes behind the bustline of her bodice.

"How long was I asleep for? Where am I even?" he asked looking around the dark room that felt more like a prison.

"You were out cold for a whole week after sensei and the others revived you. A lot of shit went down while you were off in dreamland, so try not to catch a heart attack when you go out that door, okay hun?

Jirell frowned, "Don't call me that," he said with a cold glare riddled with resentment, but Alice seemed unbothered by it. She walked closer and stood before the edge of the bed with her arms crossed, "Ya know, I liked you better when you were sleeping. You were just so damn adorable."

Jirell raised his legs off the side of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees, his loose long hair falling over his shoulders covering the sides of his face. "You're a creep, you know that? How long were you just standing there watching me sleep?" he asked, looking at the hard stone floor with a bitter frown.

Alice smiled with her lips folded as if she made a proud accomplishment, "Oh like every day for the past week. And by the way, we're all creeps. You are one of us."

Jirell looked over his right shoulder with a scowl, "I'm not the one watching people in their sleep. And don't ever compare me to the likes of you, you demented freak," he declared bitterly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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