B2: Chapter 36 - The Truth Of The Matter

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Kenichi plunged the blade of his katana down for Sir Gale's back, but the wind pushed it out of his hands.

"What!" he let out in shock.

He looked behind him where he saw someone wearing a long coat with a hood over their head, coming out from the trees at the side, which was a strip of woodland on the outskirts of the Noir Wastelands.

The person stood a few feet before him, with the shadow from the brim of the hood covering their eyes, leaving the nose and mouth for the moonlight to catch. "Step away from him young lad," a strong feminine voice came from the hood.

"Who are you!" Kenichi demanded.

The person lifted the hood over their head, revealing a mid-aged woman with dark hair and grey edges. "I am the Sage of Talys, and I am afraid I cannot allow you to carry out whatever it is .you were planning."

Kenichi scowled at her, "He murdered my father!" he yelled pointing at Sir Gale.

"Killing him will not bring your father back."

"In my culture we avenge our fallen! Leave old woman! Lest I break the Samurai code and kill you as well."

The woman formed a Brawhalla stance, "Men like you have already broken every single code there is. You have allowed evil to corrupt your heart an-"

"Spare me the lecture!" Kenichi said as he held out his palm and blasted a small fireball toward her.

The woman held out her hand and the fire halted in the air. Kenichi took a step back in shock, "What!"

The woman began to walk toward him, "That will not work with me lad. I beseech you to stand down."

Kenichi pointed his katana to her with a frown raising one of his brows, "Can you stop this then?"

The woman halted walking and released an exasperated sigh. "Why must it always be violence with you people? Why must you hurt yourselves and nature? Look around you, look at the trees, to the bodies, look at the devastation violence causes. The earth mourns," she preached a heartfelt message with sadness in her eyes.

Kenichi looked around with a straight face, seemingly untouched by her words, "My master taught me that we are doing this for the good of the world, so she won't have to mourn again. We are trying to cleanse the world of evil."

The woman chuckled, "Your master is delusional. Fire cannot be fought with fire. It must be cooled with water. Love, virtue and kindness, are a bane to evil and hate. That is what you should fight with. That is what cleanses the world."

Kenichi became enraged, "Enough! I will not listen to the callow doctrine!"

"Child, I pity you. So young, yet so angry and misled. What an evil man your master must be, to use a child as a mere tool for his bidding."

"I am not a child!!!! I am twenty years of age! I qualify as a man! And I chose this path because this is the true way to peace!" Kenichi barked.

"You are still a child in my eyes. I sense you were forced to grow up earlier than you should have, that you never got to experience being a child. I surmise were used as a killing machine from a tender age-"

"Shut up! Say no more! " Kenichi barked as he formed his Kenjutsu stance.

Just as Kenichi prepared to attack the lady, they both heard the echo of a voice shouting from afar.

"Help! Someone help us!" an orotund male voice sounded from somewhere.

"Anyone! Please!" a smooth feminine voice followed.

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