B2: Chapter 37 - A Tough Decision

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Zack and Jirell slowly trailed the silhouetted figure around the corners of the fort, hiding in the shadow of the walls surrounding it. Jirell led the way with Zack creeping closely behind him, quietly following the person while keeping their distance.

Zack saw Jirell squat down once they reached the end corner of the fort walls, peeking around it. Zack squatted as well, peering around the corner with his head above Jirell's. They then caught glimpse of Kenichi unwinding a rope from his waist around the back of the fort.

"Hey! Stop!" Zack let out with a point of his finger.

Kenichi flashed his head over to them in surprise, then took off sprinting with the rope being dragged across the ground as if a snake was behind him.

Jirell pushed Zack up against the wall aggressively, "What part of ambush did you not understand?" he said with a whisper of restrained anger.

"He was trying to climb over, so I had to stop him," Zack said in defense.

"You let him get away!" Jirell yelled in his face.

Zack pushed him off, "Well jee. I'm sorry," he reluctantly apologized.

Sir Liam came around the corner with his arms folded, "Well, he's gone, best let it go for now. Both of you get inside. We need to discuss a plan in case they come back."

Jirell began walking off in the direction Kenichi ran, "He hasn't gotten very far, I can still catch him," he said as he started running down the trench.

Sir Liam reached out an arm to grab him, but Jirell already took off by then. "Damn boy! Zack, go and get him now!" Sir Liam let out with a scowl.

Without hesitation Zack took off right after Jirell, but being able to follow him without getting left behind by his speed, proved more difficult than he thought. No matter how fast Zack pumped his legs to run, the distance between him and Jirell grew larger and larger, until he disappeared into a haze of dust blowing across the wastelands ahead.

"Jirell!! Hey Jirell!! Forget him!! Come back!!! It's too dangerous!!!" Zack shouted with his hands at the sides of his mouth, his voice echoing across the barren land.

Zack stopped running and leaned over with his hands on his knees, gasping out of breath. What in the world was Jirell thinking? How could he run off like that? Zack's eyes crawled across the ground as he tried to come up with the next best course of action. He could go back to the fort and get the others, but that would take up too much time if Jirell ran into a trap and needed immediate help. Zack stood upright and looked on at the haze of dust ahead with an earnest face. He decided it was best to continue after Jirell before he got too far.

Meanwhile Zack resumed running across the trench, a good ways ahead, Jirell was slowly gaining on Kenichi. Once he got close enough, he dove at him from behind, and they tumbled rolling across the ground.

Jirell sat on top of Kenichi and reached for his throat, but Kenichi grabbed both his arms and they began to tussle across the ground.

Jirell's teeth gritted like a raging beast and his nostrils flared, "So you're another one of King Jaragus's lapdogs!! Tell me why that bastard is after the Queen and I will spare your life!!" Jirell commanded in anger, as he grunted loudly, wrestling to get his hands around Kenichi's throat to vent his wrath.

Kenichi let out a single laugh as his arms trembled from squeezing Jirel's arms, trying to use his strength to hold them off. "Bah!!! YOU, spare me? Such big aspirations from a weakling!!! And never dare group me as one of King Jaragus's cronies!!!! I only serve Kenshin!!!!" he barked in Jirell's face.

"Don't try to deny it!!!! You're working for King Jaragus!!! Anyone who sides with him must die!!!!" Jirel roared as he flung his head down, sending his forehead smacking Kenichi mackdab in the face.

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