B2: Chapter 30 - The Kingdom Of Valkyra

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"CAW! CAW!" the seagulls sounded above the decks, gathered along the ropes that stretched across from the sails.

Hearing the noise, Zack's eyes popped open to see the bright blue skies with scattered clouds, with flocks of birds migrating to the south across it. He sat up from the wooden floor with a lazy yawn, scratching the back of his ears with his eyes half open, having somewhat a shaded vision through his eyelashes.

"Morning Zack! You're finally up," Lea said from behind, as she walked up to him all cheery with a salutatory smile.

Zack looked around and saw everyone was already awake and busy about the ship. He turned around to Lea, squinting his eyes from the bright flare of the sun shining behind her head, her face almost a silhouette from blocking the great yellow fireball in the sky.

"Yeah, why are you so happy this morning?" he inquired.

As she perked up to respond, Sir Gale's voice came from the back of the ship where he steered the helm. "You got up just in time. Look ahead."

Zack turned around to see a long crenulated coastline far off before the ship. Over it and beyond, he saw big green cresting mountains with majestic lenticular clouds above them. He smiled at the eye-catching scenery.

After three total days of journeying the sea, they finally made it. Day one was a dreadful attack that really shook up him and his friends. Day two was just mentally grueling having to stare at nothing but sea all day, while still being hungry and thirsty even after eating beans and carrots. Day three was all of day two, but added with the scorching sun and its rays for the whole day, until the chilled air of the night bit through his armor while his coat dried on the ropes.

Meanwhile Zack admired the landmass off in the distance, Lea walked up to Sir Gale.

"We're almost there Sir Gale. They know we are coming right?"

"I sent a messenger pigeon ahead early this morning, so it should get there before us."

Jirell walked up to them facing Sir Gale, "I've been wondering about something. Where did that pirate ship disappear to? The one we saw before the other attacked us."

Sir Gale looked at him, "It probably went a different route. Either way, when we get to the port, remember to let me do the talking."

Sir Gale took a wary sigh as he looked at the land ahead, sporting a look of remembrance of a distasteful memory.

After the half-hour, they sailed into the port and were docked by the Valkyran sailors who were mostly women. Lea and the others waited behind Zack who helped the Altean sailors let down the drawbridge.

As the drawbridge of the ship went down and touched the boardwalk, they saw a large group of Valkyran knights gathered at the edge of the concrete pavement, behind the horizontal boardwalk that stretched a good ways down the other side of the port.

Lea's eyes widened in surprise at the way the knights were looking at them as if they were the abductors. Lea then leaned her head forward squinting her eyes looking at the knights. She saw a familiar face at the front, but she just couldn't pick up on the name.

A young woman with short, pale blonde hair, stepped down from the concrete pavement and onto the horizontal boardwalk, looking up at Lea at the top of the drawbridge with a vague smile. Why was she looking at her? Oh right, she looked first, Lea chuckled at herself.

The young woman spoke boldly, "Welcome, Alteans. We just received the message of your arrival early this morrow. On behalf of the nation of Valkyra, I would like to thank you and your king for his assistance with the matter."

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