Chapter 8 - Uncertainty Of Fate

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The next day, Zack left his dorm room with Kelly and the two strolled through the campus on their way to Sir Alexander's class. They entered the class and took their seats, but Zack realized Lea's seat, the one before his, was empty. He found it odd, as she was always the first one to reach class before everyone else, but he quickly shunned the thought and figured she was just running late for the first time.

He looked across the class to see Jirell reading a book in the corner, then looked to see the other students chattering with each other some occasionally including him in their conversation, but that day he never really felt like talking as much, so he suffered them a bit while being lost in his own subconscious.

Just then, Sir Alexander came in with a worried look on his face and stood before the class. Everyone went to their seats and sat with their eyes fastened on him, yet they all felt uneasy by his unusual demeanor.

"Good morning lads. The headmaster is concerned of Lea's whereabouts as she failed to report in last night and was not seen since she left to visit her family yesterday"

The students looked amongst themselves in confusion.

"Have any of you seen Lea? She is a remarkable student and I doubt she would be skipping classes, but still, if you know where she is do tell her to resume classes as the headmaster is very strict on attendance"

The students all denied any knowledge of Lea's whereabouts.

Kelly sat up "I'm afraid none of us know where she is Sir Alexander"

Zack stood up from his desk "Sir, why not I check by her dorm? Maybe she overslept"

Kelly stood up "Yeah, I wanna come too"

Sir Alexander folded his arms "Hmm, very well. I doubt she is there but go and check just in case"

The two boys walked out of the class on their way to the dorm halls, but Jirell sat in the corner with a serious expression, feeling uneasy by the whole situation.

Zack and Kelly walked across the Academy training field and into the lobby, then made their way upstairs on the right passed the headmaster's office.

As they walked through the dorm hallway, Zack's eyes darted left to right at all the doors in search of Lea's dorm. After a few seconds, he saw the number 120 and motioned to Kelly to follow him.

He went to her dorm and knocked on the door, but heard no one inside. He knocked again, but was once more greeted by silence.

"Hey Lea, it's Zack. Are you in there?" he said as he plastered the side of his head against the door, listening out for any sound of movement, but was once again greeted by silence.

"Is she in there?" Asked Kelly.

"No one's answering" replied Zack

Kelly pushed Zack from the doorway and kicked the entire door open, as the hinges broke off and small splinters of wood flew into Zack's hair.

"Are you crazy? You can't just bust open doors like that, what are we going to tell old lady Butts?" Zack complained with a frown.

Kelly shrugged as he walked in and looked around the room, his eyes rotating across her lavender bed, her table by the other side of the wall, and a closet full of dresses, gowns and other female attire.

Zack walked in and looked around then turned to Kelly.

"She's not here" Kelly turned back to him and said.

Zack rubbed his chin "That's odd of Lea to miss school like this. Where could she be?. . Let's go back and tell Sir Alex"

The two then ran down the hallway and went downstairs back to class to tell Sir Alexander what they saw. After they informed Sir Alexander, he went to the headmaster and told her of Lea's absence. Madam Butts became concerned and sent a senior student from group five into the town to ask around for Lea, in case she was wandering in the town somewhere.

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