B2: Chapter 10 - Reality Check

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The next morning, by the sound of the roster's call. Everyone woke up and went to check on Zack who was fast asleep on the table in the living room. His sheep skin shirt was removed so he could be bandaged around his right shoulder and arm. His forehead was bandaged and his lower abs and back were wrapped in bandage cloth, all soiled with dried blood stains.

As they entered the room the physician turned to them.

"Well, your friend is doing well so far and he is going to be okay. Just let him keep rested and inactive so he can recuperate."

Nia sighed in relief, "Oh thank God, he's going to be alright."

The physician's face became heavy, "Well, in the bigger aspect of things, not really. The damage done to his shoulder disabled his right arm completely. He may not be able to use it for the foreseeable future."

"What, no. That can't be," said Lea refusing to believe her ears. This made no sense to her.

Nia turned to the man, "Is not there anything you can do?"

"I did everything I could do already, and not only that but. He also sustained a horrific injury to his spine, meaning he may have trouble walking again."

Everyone in the room fell into deep silence at the Physician's words, all being heart-stricken by this news.

Lea covered her mouth in denial, "No, no. That can't be."

Kelly slammed his fist into the wall, "Damn it!"

Jirell turned to the man, "What about his graduation? We're all going to become knights soon. Will he get better by then?"

The man closed his eyes, "I'm afraid he will not be able to become a knight. Not with these injuries."

Jirell cursed under his breath, while everyone else just stared off into space, devastated by the news. Zack's eyes slowly screeched open, pointing at the wooden ceiling.

"What happened? Where's the Ylisea guy? The Governor?" he said with a tired voice.

He tried to sit up, but yelled in pain. Nia quickly ran and put him back to lay on the table.

"Zack, try not to move around. You need to heal," Nia cautioned.

The physician turned to Zack, "You need to rest easy young man, beca-"

Lea put her hand on the man's shoulders and nodded side to side.

Zack held his head up looking at them confused, "Why is everyone so gloomy? Did the bad guys get away?"

Nia interlocked her hands at her chest with oily eyes, "It's you who we are worried about."

Lea turned to her, "Nia, say no more."

"Hey guys, cheer up! It's me. I never stay down for too long," he assured them with an innocent giggle.

Everyone in the room took pity on him as he laid there in a jolly mood, not knowing just how bad his condition was.

Lea gave the physician a pleading look, and after seeing it he turned his head to Zack.

The physician's brows lowered into a sad frown, "Yes lad, you will be in tip-top shape soon enough. Just rest a few days and you will regain use of your right arm, and be able to move around freely."

Zack's smile stretched from ear to ear in a toothy grin, "Alright! See, I told you guys. Stop with all the sad faces, jeez."

Seeing Zack so happy, Lea couldn't bear to tell him he could no longer follow his dream. She covered her mouth as her eyes welled with water. Seeing Zack look at her in confusion, she took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. She had to be strong and play it cool before him.

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