Paralouge - Child of The Snow

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One bright and frosty morning, a little boy skipped joyfully through the snowy village of Lankshire, Westham, having all the villagers wave at him with a smile as he went by. He skipped and skipped kicking up snow, until he tripped over a small puppy who seemed lost, maybe looking for its mother.

The curious boy turned towards the pup and was instantly fascinated by it, and being enthralled by this fine specimen, he thought he made a new friend.

"Here deyw liddul puppy, I'm sawee," said the long-haired boy as he peered at the puppy with innocent eyes.

The puppy then replied. "It's okay don't worry," and no, the pup could not speak, that was just a figment of the little boy's imagination. The pup looked up at the little boy and barked cheerfully at him, it seemed it was not hurt.

"Do you wanna be fwends?"

The pup barked another cheerful "arf!" as it wagged its little tail in excitement.

The wind blew gustily, and the pup began to shiver and
cry out. The boy took up the pup and wrapped it in his fluffed coat to shield it from the cold, and then skipped off on his way home. The pup stuck its head out of the boy's coat with its tongue dancing wildly in the cold air enjoying the ride, as the boy skipped through the town, passing by various men drawing carts of wood and lumber, while the women and their daughter and sisters skinned animal skins outside their homes.

As the boy skipped, he saw a little girl walking by holding her mother's hand, and she waved at him seemingly wanting to play, but he just waved back and skipping off breathlessly, too excited to stop on his way home.

Upon reaching his home, he saw his mother hanging out bear skins on a line outside an old snow-covered cabin, and his three older brothers playing together in the snow close by. He skipped towards them anxious to show them what he had found on his little adventure.

"Lewy! Jiran! Bart! Look whad I found!" the little boy shouted to his brothers.

The boy pulled out the pup excitedly and held it before them as they ran over to him.

Lewy, the second born, peered over the pup in astonishment. "Whoa look, Jirsano found a puppy."

Bart, the third born, grinned mischievously. "Whao cool, it's mine now!" he tried to grab the pup from Jirell.

"No he's mine! Lit gooo!" pleaded the little boy.

Jiran, the firstborn, turned to Bart sternly. "Hey Bart! Leave Jirell and his pup alone!"

The eldest brother Jiran wrestled the pup back from Bart and gave it back to Jirell. The mother then snapped at them.

"Boys! Don't you see the pup is scared, don't drag it like that you could hurt him," warned the mother.

A man with a sword on his back then came walking toward the cabin. He had long dark hair and a scar across his left cheek. And he was a famous mercenary from the legendary Seven Wolves of Gurhal, known all throughout the land for his skills and mission success rate. Having been said to rarely ever fail a job.

The little boy upon seeing the man ran to him all giggles and smiles, brimming with joy.

"Father! Look whad I found!" said the young Jirell as held the pup up to his father.

The man smiled. "Hmm.. everyday you come back home with something new, the last time it was a live deer. That is how I know you have to makings to become a great hunter one day," he said with a hoarsed voice.

The man then picked up his son and lifted him in the air, playing much to the boy's enjoyment, then putting him back down when he became tired.

The mother turned to the man. "Hello honey, back from work so early?

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