B2: Chapter 41 - Broken Bonds

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Zack gave one last look at Jirell running ahead, jerking up and down in his vision as he sprinted past the army of trees, boots thumping heavily against the hard dirt soil of the woods. He expelled heavy gasps with each stride of his legs, reviewing his final verdict before following through with it.

Jirell was making a terrible decision that could ruin his life, one that he could come to regret, and he needed someone to guide him back to the light. Zack would hang up his armor permanently before allowing Jirell to throw his life away, but he just couldn't bear to lose the last memory of his father. That was all he had left. That was where he found his willpower. That crystal pendant was the mirror to all of his memories with his father before his passing.

He turned his head slightly to the right side before him, witnessing as Archeus took a sharp right turn into a thick web of tall bushes, disappearing behind the cover of the leaves and the night darkness. His father's memory mattered more to him at that moment. So he swerved his stride over to the right, and leaped into the air with his arms crossed over his face, his legs raised in a sitting position as he glided in the air for a second, jumping through the tall bushes with small thorns and twigs scraping against his armor.

His metal boots kissed the ground with a loud thud, jerking his whole body as he landed, and he lifted his right leg forward restarting his running form as he could now see Archeus sprinting ahead. He chased Archeus until he saw him run out of the forest and stopped before what looked like a wide flowing river stream blocking his path to the other side of the forest. Far down the river stream was a gushing waterfall.

As Zack ran out of the forest, he saw Archeus spin around with his sword drawn, thrusting it toward him as he was sprinting right into it. He quickly turned his body to the side in a last-minute reaction, as the sword flew right past his gut. Zack quickly reached his hand for the glowing necklace hanging from his waist, but Archeus grabbed his hand and dragged it down so Zack could stumble before him with his hands running on the ground to avoid tumbling on his face.

While Zack was staggering on all fours trying to not land on his face, Archeus dashed to stab him in his back, but Zack saw him running upside down and raised his legs into a handstand to do a kip up that allowed him to backflip onto his feet, evading the sword.

He quickly jumped back while spinning around to have his front facing his opponent. Zack scowled at Archeus gritting his teeth as he held his back with one hand. That flip awakened the soreness in his lower back, an unwelcome feeling at a time like this.

He took his longsword from over his back and formed his Brawhalla stance, "Give that back," he demanded bitterly with an ice-cold glare.

Archeus formed a fencing stance with his arming sword, giving him a stern look of revulsion, "I will give this boy. You have a brave heart to follow after me, but that bravery shall be your downfall."

Zack's nostrils flared in rage, "Give me back my necklace damn it!!"

Jirell came from the other side of the forest across the flowing river, and stopped before the edge of the water, "Leave him to me! I told you he's mine!"

Archeus turned his head to the side, and looked over the river at him with contempt, "He wants to die by my hand, not yours. I will honor his wish."

Jirell jumped as if he was jumping into the river, and began to skip across a series of stones protruding out of the water until he made it over to their side. He stood up from a half squat position after landing, and turned to Archeus, glaring him fiercely in the face, "I don't like to repeat myself. He's mine," he threatened coldly.

Archeus raised his sword and pointed it to Jirell's throat, but Jirell remained unwavered, "Why do I get the feeling you are protecting him?"

A spark of lightning flashed in Jirell's eyes as he scowled down Archeus, and Archeus took a step back with a wary frown seeing his eyes spark with lightning, "I told you I have a bone to pick with him. Retreat to the ship while I deal with this fool."

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