Chapter 31 - The Grand Battle!

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After being treated for the injuries she sustained in the match against Harper, Lea was about to leave the infirmary when she saw two knights rushing Kelly into the waiting room on a wooden stretcher. She called out to him with worry on her face.

"Kelly? Kelly! Sir what happened to him?"

One of the knights looked at her, "His opponent struck him with a poisoned weapon. We cannot stop to talk he needs immediate attention," they walked past her with medics behind them.

She tried to follow them into the physician's room, but they blocked her off from the door.

Worried, she decided to wait on news of Kelly's fate instead of heading back to the tournament. She sat by the waiting bench near a window, with her hands interlocked on her lap, holding her head down anxiously.

Elsewhere, Sir Caldwell arrived at the tournament as he was going to compete in the senior division, but went into the stands to watch the junior matches in the meantime. Upon reaching the stands, he realized all the seats were taken, so he stood by the rails and watched as the proctor Kai walked back out to the arena.

"Next match! The one I'm sure you all have been waiting for! Jirell Sky of Altea! versus Xander Arklezius of Ylise!" yelled the proctor.

The crowd let loose huge deafening roars as this was the most anticipated match-up of the junior division. Half the gamblers and bidders placed their bets on Jirell, while the others on Xander. Great money stood to be gained, and lost, plus this match was not just a match between two teenagers, it was a match between Altea and Ylise.

Tensions were present right around the arena as the Altean spectators projected their bad blood with Ylise onto the two boys with harsh words yelled out to the arena.

Both boys had given flawless performances up till now and according to the gamblers, it was time for the unstoppable force to meet the immovable object.

Jirell rose a foot to step out of the tunnel, but halted when Zack held his shoulder.

"Good look out there. I wanted to be the one to get him back, but now I leave that to you. Beat this guy so I can kick your ass later," he smirked.

Jirell gave Zack a smirk before walking out to the arena with Xander following behind.

Seeing the two boys, the crowd ran a cheerful muck so much you could not hear your own voice if you tried to speak. The ground vibrated under Jirell and Xander's feet at the crowd's united screams.

Xander gave a sly smile, "Well, well. Our nations meet once again on the battlefield, but the result will be the same as the last."

That was the worst thing Xander could have said to him, as Jirell's eyes went cold, "I've been wanting to kill one of you . . . " he said with a cold voice.

Xander's smirk disappeared and he became serious, realizing the murderous glare Jirell was giving him, "Well then. I'll just have to kill you first."

The boys were about to take the match to a whole other level. Little did the spectators know, but the victor would be the one last standing as they kicked the rules to the wind. Jirell no longer cared about keeping the peace, nor all the warnings King Raul had given him. At that moment all he wanted was to just make someone from the other side suffer as he did.

Jirell's head suddenly began to beat painfully, as he received hallucinations and flashbacks of the invasion, reliving the slaughter of his family. He clutched his head as he looked at Xander, seeing the faces of the Ylisean soldiers responsible for his family's murder. His eyes narrowed and became even colder the before. He gnashed his teeth and formed his Brawlhalla stance with twin blades in each hand.

Hunter Skyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें