B2: Chapter 14 - Finding The Will

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The dorm was bathed in utter silence. Tensions were in the air and feelings were at risk. The awkward quietness made Nia cringe at how her words came out, as she sat on her heels with her hand over her mouth. Her eyes still widened with furrowed brows.

Zack laid speechless for a total of three minutes, adding further to Nia's turmoil. What was love? He asked himself internally. He could not hide the fact that the weeks he had spent with Nia made her appear somewhat different in his eyes. Deep down he still had feelings for Lea, but at the same time he felt something entirely different with Nia ever since that time at the lake. Something he had been keeping a secret the entire time while he pursued Lea.

He smiled, and Nia uncovered her mouth listening for a response. The pieces all clicked for him as he laid there. No wonder she had been acting so strange around him. But he would have never figured.

The way she cared for him over the past weeks made him see her in a different light. And he felt a spark each time their skin accidentally made contact. Was that what love felt like? He asked himself. If so, who was he in love with? He felt different variants of the same feelings with both of his friends, but if he had to choose one. He knew who it had to be.

Zack smiled as he stared at the ceiling, "I remember my father would always tell me about mother. How she made him feel, how his stomach was always full of butterflies around her. How kind and caring she was. At first I thought he was gross. But, I feel just like how father said he felt about mother . . . Nia, I feel that same way when I'm around you. I don't know if that's what this is. But, I think . . . I love you too."

Nia's heart began to beat faster, "What about Lea?" she held her head down.

Zack went silent again for a few seconds. "Lea and I have been through a lot together, and even though I'm upset with her right now, she's still my closest friend. Despite all that, you're the one I love."

A heartfelt smile spread onto Nia's face. She proceeded to lay on the floor beside Zack, resting her head on his chest, blushing to no end. She sighed in relief as she listened to his heartbeat moving in unison with hers. Her vision came true.

Behind the dorm walls in the hallway Jirell had heard everything, bearing a look of indifference with his eyes closed. Having heard enough, he leaned off the wall and walked down the hallway going about his business. Back in the room, Nia basked in Zack's embrace.

"This feels so weird."

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I like this. I like how it feels to have you next to me. But I'm so used to treating you like a friend it feels strange to embrace you like this."

She held his hand as she laid with her head under his neck, "It is not so for me. I have always dreamed of this moment."

Nia reached her hand for Zack's necklace which laid on his chest, a few centimeters from her nose and began to observe it in her hand.

"I still don't want you to give up on your dream," said Zack.

Nia playfully nudged his chin with her head, "I told you already, I am not going to leave you behind," she smiled.

Zack's smile faded, "Could you really love me like this? My body is useless. I may not be able to provide for you in this state."

"You need not be my provider for me to love you. And no matter how you are I will always feel the same. It is your heart that matters."

Zack's smile returned, and he wrapped his left arm around Nia as she laid in his embrace.

In the meanwhile. Elsewhere in the kingdom of Altea. Sir Caldwell just walked into the knights guild lobby and stood before a short-haired Sally at the front desk.

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