Chapter 16 - The Will to Become Stronger I

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Bright and early in the morning Zack went out to the green lush fields, across from the Oxbow lake surrounding the land on which the royal castle stood.

This field was a renowned piece of land, as it was the home ground for the Battle of Malonea, where Princess Alena and Prince Yohan led their factions into battle against each other for control of the once sovereign kingdom, Malonea, one hundred years ago.

Zack stood on the field feeling the wind blow by as it grazed the grass around him, feeling out the land.

He pondered to himself as he waited on Sir Caldwell, thinking how a beautiful lush field such as this could have been filled with bodies, changing the colour of the grass, and filling the air with the smell of iron and blood.

He stooped down and placed a hand on the ground feeling the softness of the grass and the hardness of the dirt, pondering what it must have been like to witness such a battle. The closest he ever came to such, was when he went with Sir Caldwell to rescue Lea, or when he witnessed the invasion ten years ago. He chuckled to himself in remembrance, not even those sticky situations he got into while at the orphanage back in the slums of Eastbourne, could produce the same feeling that those men must have felt.

But what took place on this field was much more different. It not only made the earth cry, but its aftermath shaped a whole new generation, and brought forth two new empires birthing new cultures and traditions which still stood in the new era.

Zack's thoughts could not keep his impatience in check any longer, as he paced back and forth, anxious to begin his training. The Great Tournament was only a month away, time was awasting. He wanted to get stronger so he could be prepared to stand against the terrifying prospect of meeting other talented students from rival nations. He wondered how they strong they were, and what type of training regimen they followed.

While he felt a bit of doubt, he couldn't stand still, hoping the other nations sent their strongest students to challenge him. He thirsted for combat and the high of the adrenaline he got when rescuing Lea, and he could not wait for the chance to make his own name, while living up to his father's legacy, proving he can become the next Lion Of Altean.

Bored of waiting longer, he sat on the ground flicking stones about, and after a couple minutes, he saw Sir Caldwell walking toward him, dragging a cart full of tools behind him with one arm.

Zack got up quickly. "Sir Caly, you're late for my training," he said pouting and displeased.

"Patience is a virtue, Zack. I was just busy gathering some tools for your training."

Zack peered his head to look at the cart behind him. "I don't see how a paintbrush and a shovel is going to help me. Where are the swords? I thought you were going to train me?" he complained.

"This IS your training. Try to keep up lad," said Sir Caldwell as he rolled the cart off to a nearby village.

Confused, Zack left the field and followed behind Sir Caldwell he went into the village of Gershom, a small habitation of farmers, serfs and low-class peasants who were so poor they could not afford to wear shoes. Sir Caldwell stopped at the first house he saw and knocked on the door. Zack looked around and saw poorly built wooded structures, homes without roofs and people going about with donkeys and carts.

Zack scratched his head confused. "Sir Caly, what are we doing here? The training, remember?"

Sir Caldwell ignored Zack as he waited on someone to answer the door. Eventually, an old woman came and opened it.

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