Chapter 13 - Misty Aftermath

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The noise of the explosion scared several animals in the forest as birds nearby the area flew off in flocks, and smaller critters barreled across the snow to safety. Roars and growls made an orchestra of their own across the forest as many beasts were awoken from their slumber, or were startled by the noise, resulting in the villagers from afar gathering out of their homes, to look on across the distance at the wide array of sounds they heard coming from the forest.

The village chief's son pushed through the crowd and stood at the front with his father, looking at the distant mist-covered forest with great worry. He then looked up at the chief nervously.

"Father, what was that?"

The chief gave a fierce grimace as sweat shot down his cheeks. "Damn meddling knights" he grumbled to himself ignoring the boy's question. The chief pulled the hood of his long brown fur coat over his head and went for one of the horses tied to the post in the square. He spared not a minute as he mounted and galloped off leaving everyone including his son confused.

Back deep in the forest at the foot of the towering mountain, snow, dust, and mist covered the rubble of the rocks and boulders where a cave once stood. After a few minutes, Jirell sprouted out from the rubble and crawled up on the pool of rocks, covered in bruises across his forehead and arms. He tried to stand up, but felt a pain shooting through his side, so much did it hurt that he closed one of his eyes, gritting his teeth, while clutching his side.

Soon after, Kelly crawled out of the rubble with similar bruises and fired his hands in the air. "I-im alive!" He cheered.

Jirell knelt on one knee with his head down "Kenshin . . ." he said under his breath, searching through his memories for recollection of such a name, but to no avail. Eventually, they heard Lea calling for help beneath the rubble, and the two crawled to the sound and began to dig with their hands through the rocks. They managed to pull out Lea and her father, Sir Jeffrey, whom were both in bad condition.

Jirell was lost in his own world staring out of space, while Lea's eyes frantically searched the rubble for Zack and Sir Caldwell. She put her father down to rest softly, and began to dig up the rocks underneath her as she said a prayer in her mind. She was overcome by a feeling of desperation and helplessness, ignoring the pain which tormented her body as she searched for him with water beginning to well in her eyes.

"Zack! Where are you!" She yelled from the bellows of her soul.

Suddenly a hand sprouted up from the rubble to which Kelly made an alarm. "Look! Someone's there!"

Her heart jumped at Kelly's voice and she turned around with haste.

Jirell snapped out of his daze and the three teens rushed to drag the person out. Upon clearing out the rocks, Sir Caldwell arose as dust and snow fell off of him, revealing Zack who was under him unconscious and covered in small rocks and pebbles.

Lea held Zack's head on her lap as she prayed in her mind, while everyone except Jirell looked on in worry. Jirell was neither sad nor glad, and there were no other features present on his face that would suggest concern, however, he turned to Sir Caldwell who knelt before Zack across from Lea.

"Is he alive?"

Sir Caldwell sighed and turned his head to him, feeling as if he failed his old mentor. "I don't know. I tried to save him, but I fear my weight may have crushed him," he said and looked back down at Zack.

Lea rubbed his cheeks. "Zack! Wake up!" she yelled as tears streamed down her face.

Suddenly, Zack's eyes popped open, however, his vision was blurred from Lea's tears falling off her cheeks and into his eyes.

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