Chapter 17 - The Will To Become Stronger II

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In the same week of the second phase of Zack's training. Lea also had a difficult time with her own training, as Jirell was a rather harsh and rough trainer, rarely, if ever, giving her a break.

One overcast day, in the forests of Northwell nearby the academy. He was sparring with her in hand-to-hand combat, however she was not full in concentration, causing him to almost knock her unconscious with one of his lethal kicks, sending her leaning onto the bark of a tree holding her forehead.

Luckily, he had restrained his leg at last minute, or else the impact would have been greater.

"Lea, you're not focused, what's wrong?" he asked sternly.

Lea sat on the grass and folded her legs, leaning on the tree behind her, where a bird chirped above its nest.

"It's just," she halted bunching her thoughts together.

"I don't like everything that has been going on."

She brushed her red hair backward out of her face. "I feel we may have been very unfair to Nia, maybe we should apologize."

Jirell's nostrils flared up and he frowned at her words. "You interrupted my training for this? . . . This is why I was hesitant to let you train with me at first, I knew you would've become a distraction."

Lea grinned at him with a perky attitude. "Oh hush, I'm just saying Zack could be right. I can't focus unless I clear my conscience, I'm going to go find her," she said, as she stood up and straightened her uniform with her hands.

Jirell formed his Brawlhalla boxing stance and began to practice his kicks repeatedly in the air. "Fine. If you want to be as naive as Zack, suit yourself," he replied indifferently.

Lea left on her way to go find Nia, and went to the academy. She walked down the dorm hallway asking every student she passed by for directions to Nia's dorm, until she found it at the third manner to the right side of the academy campus.

She knocked on the door and waited a few seconds until it opened. Nia took a step back in shock seeing Lea at her doorway.

Lea began to cringe at how awkward the conversation was going to be before it even started.

"Um, hello there Nia. Sorry for the sudden visit."

Nia stood silent, hiding half her body behind the half-opened door, seemingly terrified of her.

"Okay, so. . . I just came to apologize for how we treated you. My friends and I are gravely sorry, and we hope you would forgive us. I understand you may think of us as monsters, but we just misunderstood you, and now we realize it was wrong to judge you like we did. The offer still stands, you can tag along with us if you ever feel lonely, we won't reject you."

Nia took a deep reliving breath and opened the door fully.

"Yes, thank you, I forgive you," she said with a timid voice, holding her gaze to the floor.

Lea took pity on her, feeling great compassion override her heart. Such a poor girl, innocent and all alone, yet everyone despised her having done no wrong. Lea was overridden with even more guilt as she looked at her.

"Um, I'm going to the library right now. Would you like to accompany me?"

Nia held her head up. "I would be pleased to, but Zack said I should not go out into the town unless he is with me."

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