B2: Chapter 12 - Learning To Adapt

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The next day, Zack awoke in the break of dawn, greeted by the sound of swooshing winds outside the window. The window pane jerked slightly as the breeze brushed against it. It was a calm and windy day outside the three manors.

Except for the training field behind the manors, which was filled with the commanding voices of professors leading their classes through different fitness drills and exercises, and the sound of arrows stabbing their targets in the archery range.

Zack used his left arm to brace himself up so he could lean his back against the wooden wall next to the window, while carefully trying not to bump his head on Kelly's upper bunk. In the past two days he had been learning how to adjust to using his left arm, and was finally able to at least complete minor tasks with it successfully.

He looked down at his right arm which laid limp on his lap. His lips pressed tightly together, and through his nostrils he released a warm heavy breath.

He folded his lips with his tongue squeezing through one corner, and with all his might he tried to lift his right arm, but there was no feeling. As if it was dead and the nerves in it were shut off.

After straining for a few minutes, he finally threw in the towel when he felt a sting in his shoulder. That was the only feeling he could get out of it, an unpleasant sting of pain.

Kelly snorted a snore from above, and Zack saw his foot hang down from the edge of the top bunk.

"Kelly, wake up. You've got class remember," Zack said as he yanked Kelly's foot with his left hand.

Kelly shifted to the edge of the bed trying to find a more comfy position, but fell off the top bunk and unto his back.

"Ahhhhhh! Damned this earth!" Kelly said in pain and surprise at being awoken in such a manner.

Zack began to crack up with laughter so much that his stomach hurt. Kelly's face made a screw.

"Oh yank off will you," Kelly's lips pouted in a frown.

"That's what you get for oversleeping, haha."

Kelly buried his face into his hands, "My God, you sound like Lea."

"What are you two arguing about in there?" a voice sounded from behind the door.

Both Zack and Kelly turned their heads to the door.

Kelly sighed, "Just great. She's here."

Kelly got up and opened the door. Lea stepped in and then Nia followed after. Lea rested a basket with slices of breath and fish on Zack's lap.

"Hey there buster, I brought this for you. How are you holding up?" she asked.

Zack took a deep breath before answering, "I can't stand to stay locked up in this room for one more day. I really want to go back to class with you guys. Please can you take me with you?"

Nia and Lea looked at each other.

"Um, Zack I understand that you want to get back to your usual self, but Madam Butts would not be pleased to have you out of bed and not resting. If you try and do too much you may worsen your disability."

Zack's eyes scrunched in confusion.

"What do you mean disability? I just hit my back a little and maybe injured my arm, but I'll heal up in no time just like the physician said. I need to get back to preparing for the graduation and the final exams. If you really care and want me to get better then help me get back to class. I can't afford to miss out on anything more than I have already. Without the academy I am nothing. I need this."

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