B2: Chapter 34 - Battle Of The Elementals I

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The light from the fireball glowed upon Sir Gale's face as it rocketed toward him, but he stood still, unmoved and unwavered. With a cold glare, he focused on channeling a certain amount of his energy into the electric particles flashing around his hand, and soon, a bright blue glow of light covered the walls around him.

A long vertical stream of lighting discharged from his hand, bulleting full speed at the fireball with the deafening sound of a thousand birds chirping at once with the scream of a banshee.

As the two energy forms collided, a blinding flare filled the cavern bombarding all vision, and a loud roar battered everyone's ears as the two beasts of nature battled it out fiercely forming a suction vacuum. The force from the collision sent howling winds of flames and lightning bolts throughout the cave, ripping apart the walls as the rocks fell from the ceiling.

Sir Gale quickly ran to grab Sir Gabe and threw him over his shoulders. He turned to Zack, Lea and Jirell who laid dumbstruck with the light from the repelling energies reflecting in their eyes.

"Jirell! Zack! Grab Arran and go!" he yelled as the powerful winds of the cave began to suck in small pebbles, dirt, and several bats from the ceiling. The bats screamed as they were sucked into the spiraling
fire blast, turning to ash upon entrance.

Jirell and Lea jumped to their feet to go pick up Sir Arran, but Zack already got there and placed him over his back.

"Go!! I've got him!! Get outta here!!" Zack fanned them off with his hand to not come close.

Sir Kenroy, Sir Liam, Harper, and the other seven Valkyran knights ran for the cave entrance. Zack raised a leg to run, but the wind pulled it back as if it had hands, dragging his body slowly toward the raging tornado of energy behind him, his boots rubbing against the ground as he tried to maintain his balance.

He gritted his teeth as he pumped his legs to move forward four to five seconds at a time, building up the strength to pull away from the heavy winds with each step.

"Rrrrhha!!!" he groaned as his legs burned him, trying his best to fight against being pulled into the suction.

Luckily, his training not only increase his arm strength, but his leg strength as well. The raging winds battered his skin as it blew around him, puffing his cheeks as air invaded the corners of his mouth.

With his strategy of charging each step, he managed to reach far away enough from the suction where could now run. It felt like a great burden was lifted from his legs as he sprinted through the cave, but his heart nearly leaped into his throat when he saw the ceiling above his head crumbling right on top of him.

"Ahhhhh!!!" he screamed in panic with his hands above his head, and not wanting to see his end he clamped his eyes shut.

He plastered his hands to his ears as everything around him sounded like thunder, feeling the ground around him trembling. The lighting screamed and the fire roared, as the sound of rocks battering the ground like rain pounded into his eardrums. Some rocks sounded like an explosion as they hit the ground, which meant it could have been a large boulder, but Zack found it odd how all these rocks were falling around him yet none had crushed him as yet.

Soon, the sounds died down, and Zack opened his eyes to find himself in the middle of a sea of rocky rubble, with the cave even darker than before, but the aftermath of the fire left tiny flickering flames that gave the cave a dim lighting, bright enough to see the ground at least.

He then saw a green glow flashing through the bottom corner of his eyes, and looked down to see his necklace glowing brightly, allowing him to see that the entrance of the cave was blocked by fallen rocks.

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