Chapter 32 - I Hate Geckos. I Truly Do.

Start from the beginning

I step out the room and immediately get grabbed my Nicolas who charges out the door, me in tow. I barely have time to throw a goodbye and a good luck over my shoulder to Merlin and Gaius.

By the time Nicolas stops, it's outside his house. The little flower has grown more vibrant and has sprouted little children around it, covering a small patch of ground in yellow and green.

The front door swings open revealing Smith, Nick's father. The man's large smile is contagious, causing both his son and I to smile upon seeing the man's bushy face.


That's new. There wasn't a beard last time I saw him.

"I've told him to get rid of that rat's nest on his face," Joanne starts, her voice laced in faux irritation, "but he refuses to get rid of it."

Smith grins, wrapping a loving arm over his wife's shoulders, kissing her temple.

Nicolas grimaces, fake gagging at the affection his parents just showed.

His parents usher us both inside, closing the door behind us and sitting us down at the table.

A letter gets placed on the table.

A letter I recognize very easily.

"Now, Nicolas has magic, as we all know," says Smith.

We all make sounds of agreement.

"And we all know it's his birthday today."

I sharply turn to Nicolas. "What?" I say. "It's your birthday and you didn't tell me?"

Nicolas waves his hands in very little enthusiasm as he says, "Surprise?"

I glare at him – joking of course. "I will scold you later." I turn back to the letter that's centered on the table. I pick it up, running my fingertips over the red wax seal on the back. "I knew you were going to get this eventually."

Nicolas beams at me.

"Joanne and I thought with you being all magic-y and stuff-" I snort at Smith's words "- you would be able to teach Nick everything about your world; guide him through it all because I have no clue where to even start with all this."

I nod reverently. "Yes, of course I will. I wouldn't have it any other way."

I can see some relief wash into their faces, their smiles and body language becoming less strained. Honestly, I'm glad to be able to help someone new into the Wizarding World. It's not every day I get the opportunity to lead one of history's most know wizards into the world.

Huh. I am a hypocrite. See, I am more than happy to help Nicolas into the world, but I won't act on some . . . certain feelings toward a certain someone. Well, that's for another therapy session.

Wait. The letter finally making me think.


Nicolas got a Hogwarts letter, not a Beauxbatons letter. That means I'm already changing history. I need to talk to Merlin tonight.

Nick and I bid goodbye to his parents, his letter in hand which is currently shoved in a pocket so it won't be seen. Since it is my padawan's eleventh birthday, I am practically obliged to get him a few things to celebrate such a monumental day. Taking him to the market stalls, I let him have free reign of what he wants.

By the end of his little shopping spree, my money bag is a fraction of the weight it was just an hour earlier.

We both lug everything back to the physician chambers, setting everything down on a table. I take out the letter and hand it to Nicolas. I turn my back to him, getting started on some food. Over my shoulder, I absentmindedly say to him: "Read the letter and see what we need to buy."

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