Honest Conversation.

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Chapter 13

*3rd person POV*

Wei Wu Xian after thrown out of the Lecture hall, proceeded near a stream at the back of the mountains. While he was walking near the waterfalls, he heard a bow drawn and saw an arrow flew and perfectly hit a falling rock, beaking it.

" Wow!" He exclaimed and look at the person who had draw the bow.

The man who draw the bow was shocked and release the arrows he aimed at the rock to him. Luckily, he was fast enough to catch the the flying arrow.

" That's a close one." He breathe deeply.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The other man chanted many times.

" It's fine. By the way that was a nice shot you got there. I'm Wei Wu Xian by the way." He said to the timid man who was practicing his archery skills.

" I'm not yet good Young Master Wei. I'm Wen Ning, Young Master Wei." He introduced himself with a bow.

" Why are you not in class?" Wei Wu Xian asked.

" I'm too young to attend lectures Young Master Wei. I'm just here to accompany my jie who was asked by uncle Wen Rouhan to attend the lectures." He explained.

" You Young Master, why aren't you at the lecture hall?" Asked Wen Ning.

" Well I was thrown out there. It's fine as well, at least I don't have to deal with a boring lecture." Wei Wu Xian reasoned awkwardly.

" By the way you had a nice shot back there. It's just that, your stance can still be improved. Let me teach you."

Wei Wu Xian after speaking began teaching Wen Ning the proper stance.

Just as Wen Ning focus on their target following WuXian's instruction, he was startled by his older sister's voice and let the arrow go in the direction of his sister. Luckily, Wei Wu Xian was fast enough to fished out a talisman from his robe and use it to change the direction of the arrow saving the others life.

" Jie I'm sorry." Wen Ning worriedly apologized.

" It's fine. Young Master Wei thank you for saving my live." Wen Qing bowed in gratitude.

" It's nothing Lady Wen. Beautiful ladies must not suffer pain specially from arrows." He flirt at her.

Wen Qing showed four needles in her hands and raised her brows.

" Another flirty words and you'll drop dead right now." She said.

" Okay okay. Geez, there's no need to show needles." He dramatically responded.

" A-y..... Young Master Wei, thank you for teaching my brother but we need to go back now." Wen Qing said.

" Ahh... Okay. Bye Wen Ning." He said and the two siblings went away from him.

Now he is back alone near the waterfalls.

Suddenly, he notice that there is a person sneakily going near him. He immediately unsheathed his sword and attack the person at the back. The other person  was fast enough to block his attack, thus both of them end up sword fighting against the other.

Wei Wu Xian looked at the man whom he is fighting with, and saw that his fighting with Lan Wangji and he stopped attacking.

" Ay... Lan Zhan it's just you. I'm sorry." He apologized.

" It's fine. Come with me." Lan Wangji said monotonously.

" Punishment right? Aiyshhhht. What's my punishment Lan Zhan?" He said annoyed.

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