Chapter 109: Clarity

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Author's note: This chapter is set earlier in the morning before Optimus intends to visit Lennox. Lennox continues to recover from the accident and is up and moving about, albeit slowly with the use of crutches and Sarah's support.

This chapter sees Lennox realise he doesn't just like Sarah, he loves her. With this knowledge, he realises how wrong he was to hold on to OC when deep down he knew she loved Prime – and vice versa! He resolves to right that wrong.

Lennox P.O.V

I was nearing the end of my third week in hospital and much in my life had changed.

I had nearly died. Several times.

I had been discharged from intensive care to my own room in one of the general wards to continue my recovery.

I was finally cleared to leave the confines of my bed and start my physical therapy with the use of crutches.

There was talk of me being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel following my efforts in Egypt, and the almost twelve months since then.

But perhaps the two biggest changes in my life involved two women. Both very similar and very different in many ways. Both had become very dear to my heart.

One I had recently ended a relationship with, but thankfully, still maintained a strong friendship with. I smiled as I thought of the black- and red-haired woman with a mischievous smile and wicked sense of humour. Though I was no longer in love with her, she would always hold a special place in my heart.

Green-blue eyes framed by sandy brown hair and a pair of sensuous lips that curved into a teasing smile, flashed through my mind as my thoughts turned to the other woman in my life.


From the moment I met her, there had been a connection between us, an attraction. She had been so confident, almost too forward in the way she had come crashing into my life. She was smart, quick witted and direct –too direct at times! She was kind and gentle, though she could be forceful when needed. Her smile and her eyes held a mischief that bubbled through in her laughter and most importantly – she wanted me. She saw only me. /No one else seemed to hold her heart/.

I frowned as I glanced at the doorway and then my watch. /And she was late/.

Sarah's visits were the highlight of my day, and I looked forward to them immensely because they meant I could spend precious minutes in her company. I could get to know her even more. And the more I got to know her, the more I realised something...

''Hey you!'' Sarah's voice called out from the doorway, and I snapped my head towards her, a huge smile lighting up my face.

/I didn't just like her../.

''Sarah!'' I couldn't keep my enthusiasm from my voice. ''I thought you may have forgotten me.''

She laughed and patted me on the arm as she reached my bedside. ''Never Will. William. Lennox! I was saving the best till last.'' She winked at me, and I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach as she slid her hand over mine and squeezed it.

/I had fallen utterly in love with her/.

I looked down at our joined hands and then up at her pretty face. Brushing my thumb over her hand, my eyes found hers. They were the colour of iridescent waters off a tropical island. I smiled warmly at her. ''Well, you were worth the wait Sarah.''

Sarah gave a small, startled gasp at my words before she leaned forward, her lips seeking mine. Her lips were soft and warm against mine, tentative and all too brief was her touch before she pulled away.

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