Chapter 11 That's Impossible! And yet....

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Author's Note: Here we go people... Orianna gets to meet Optimus in the flesh... so to speak... God bless those holograms and God bless Rachet!

Orianna P.O.V

As I sat with my head resting on Prime's steering wheel, desperately trying to muffle my sobs, I was at a loss as to why coming back to this cove affected me the way it did. It was so stupid to react this way, especially when we had been having so much fun together. I was not prepared for the myriad of emotions visiting this place again would unleash within me.

This was the place Prime and I had had a very confronting conversation where we laid bare our hurts and demons. We had both sought and received forgiveness and from that night, we developed a strong bond that grew into a deep friendship. A friendship, on my part anyway, that had grown into love.

I closed my eyes tightly as the realisation slammed into me again. /And that's all that will ever exist between us!/. I stifled a mournful groan as my head lay against Prime's steering wheel. The closest thing to physical contact I could get from him. I knew I felt more for him, I knew I wanted more from him, but I also knew he did not feel what I felt for him. Would likely never feel that way, and in truth, that was part of the reason I had reacted the way I did.

Prime was blissfully and ignorantly unaware that actions such as this only served to make me fall in love with him even more. /Not his fault OC. You just have to deal with it and get over it ya bloody idiot!/. I absentmindedly ran my hands over his steering wheel as I tried to console myself.

''Guess again Orianna.'' His deep voice, despite being almost a whisper, filled the cabin. It sounded near, as though he were right beside me, which was ludicrous.

''Hunh?'' There was a slight tone of irritation in my voice as I lifted my head. ''What do you mean ''Guess again'' Pri...'' I had turned to face the direction his voice had come from and had frozen, clutching his steering wheel in a vice-like grip. My eyes went wide, my face turned ashen, my heart ceased beating and my mouth fell open.

There, sitting opposite me inside the cabin was a man. A very handsome man in a dark blue, slightly unbuttoned shirt, with the sleeves rolled back to the elbows, a pair of black jeans and tan suede combat boots. I blinked owlishly at the vision before me who had somehow spoken in Optimus Prime's voice. Whilst I almost screamed and brought my fists up to protect myself from this mysterious intruder, something made me stop.

/His eyes/. He had piercing blue eyes that looked both hauntingly familiar and almost unnatural. A keen intelligence and a quiet, self assured authority shone within them as this handsome stranger regarded me so intently. I was frozen in place against the door as my mind raced to process what, or who, I was looking at.

The man blinked once and smiled softy at me as he slowly slid his massive frame across the seat to close the distance between us. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my heart beating rapidly and my blood pumping in my ears, like a muffled hurricane.

He raised his muscular left arm up, reaching out towards my face and an errant lock of black hair that had fallen across my cheek. ''I mean, Orianna,'' I hissed slightly at the sound of my name coming from this man's lips as he spoke slowly and calmly in that familiar voice. He raised a thick yet sculpted brow in amusement at my reaction as his fingers grasped the lock gently, ''that you may be incorrect in assuming I am unable to hug you.'' He tucked the lock of hair back behind my ear, his fingers grazing my ear and neck as he did so. Where his hand had touched my skin, a burning sensation was left in its wake before an icy shiver of pleasure tore through me and I bit my lower lip as my body responded to the oddly intimate touch.

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