Chapter 9: Spontaneity Killed the Cat

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Author's Note: For some reason the idea of a scene involving Prime watching something like Star Wars appealed to my warped sense of humor and so this chapter was born... apologies in advance... though you get a glimpse into both Prime and Orianna's characters too... at least the way I have crafted them to be.

Orianna P.O.V

For a moment I stared blankly at the dashboard, as my brain struggled to process the innocent question. I fluttered my eyes rapidly as I stuttered a response. ''Ahh... well.. a da.. date can encompass many types of social interactions between people Prime.'' I nervously cleared my throat and clenched tightly at my cardigan as Prime drove towards the outdoor theatre. ''Parents can have play dates with kids, and you can have lunch dates with friends.''

I drew a quick breath as my eyes darted around the cabin. ''The comment I made just now was in reference to a romantic engagement or appointment between two people.'' I laughed somewhat nervously, almost manically, ''which this most definitely is not,'' I cleared my throat as I fidgeted with my dress. ''We're just two friends hanging out. Casually.'' I closed my eyes so tight I saw flashes of light. ''At the movies. As you do.'' /Just shut up you stupid bloody idiot! Shut up NOW!/, I mentally chastised myself.

There was a short, pensive silence before Prime's voice rumbled through me. ''I see. Thank you for your explanation, Orianna.'' Another measured silence as I collected what remained of my composure. ''I shall enjoy hanging out casually with you tonight then. That is if you are well.''

We were only two blocks away from the theatre. I scrunched my face up in confusion at his comment. ''Hunh? Why would you say that Prime?''

''Just now I detected your blood pressure increased dramatically, your heart rate was rapid and erratic, and you began to perspire excessively.'' Prime paused a moment in his assessment. ''I hope you are not coming down with something tonight. That would be unfortunate.''

I once again gave a small, nervous laugh and made a concerted effort to calm myself down as I fought the flash of annoyance that Transformers could ''read'' you. ''I'm fine Prime, really I am.'' I shrugged my shoulders. ''I guess you just caught me off guard with your question.''

Prime chuckled as he negotiated the light traffic. ''I understand now how such a question may have elicited such a response from you Orianna. Given we are of two different species and share a purely platonic relationship, I can see why such an insinuation of a romantic attachment between us would seem - so unsettling for you. My apologies.''

I closed my eyes slowly as my heart seemed to twist painfully in my chest at Prime's unintended rejection. /Perhaps it had been a bad idea to accept his invitation tonight? Perhaps I should have just told him I had plans?/. Despite a million emotions and thoughts tearing around inside me, I reached out and gently patted his dashboard again, a small, soft smile on my lips. ''Not unsettling at all Prime, and no need for apologies.''

Mercifully, we arrived at our destination, and I was unclicking the seatbelt even as Prime was rolling to a stop outside the building. I sighed out loud from a combination of frustration and relief. ''Now. I know you can't drink or eat, but I sure as hell need a drink at the moment.'' I grabbed the door handle and pulled as I quickly scanned the area. ''How about you go and park on that grassed area at the back of the cinema and I'll meet you there?''

''Affirmative Orianna,'' his deep voice rumbled in reply.

As I walked towards the small refreshment stall, I fought to keep a deep sense of hopelessness from consuming me. That was the closest we had come to talking about or acknowledging any sort of relationship or feelings between us. I sighed out loud as I stepped up to the counter and the young man waiting. /And it was an epic disaster!/.

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