Chapter 106 Paradigms

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Author's note: Sorry been a minute or two... end of term madness! Once again a huge thanks to im-mirrorball and mlllvix for your continued support by voting and commenting, very grateful. We are ALMOST at the end.... hang in there!

This chapter is set almost a week after the last. Lennox is recovering well but confides in Epps on one of his visits that he has tried to contact Orianna and is upset that she has not been to see him. Epps lets him know just how much she has cared for him, and Lennox feels terrible, until he gets a visit from someone he was not prepared to see.

Denotes flashback scene/recalled conversation

/denotes internal thought/

Little bit of swearing.....

Lennox POV

My eyes stung, and a rivulet of blood trickled down from a large cut on my forehead, leaving a metallic tang in my mouth. But it didn't seem to matter. Adrenaline was pumping through me. I had a mission to finish. The Con's were on the run. /Just a little more mopping up to do and we could go home/.

''EPPS! GIMME EYES IN SKY – NOW!'' I barked over my shoulder to my Master Sergeant. ''I need a visual on remaining targets. Sweep the area and confirm bogeys.''

My breath was coming in ragged gasps as I clutched at my weapon and huddled close to what remained of a convenience store in downtown Detroit. Given the 'Cons were still effectively leaderless, the fight had been intense but relatively brief. /But that's why we were here – to keep it that way – to keep 'em weak and divided/.

''ETA 2 minutes!'' Epps yelled across to me from his position behind a crumbled cement pillar, walkie in hand. ''Rain's comin'!''

''Pop green flare to signal friendlies... And Epps..'' I stared pointedly at him and he pulled his face away from the walkie to glare back at me. ''Make sure it's a good toss this time!'' I managed to grin at him.

He muttered some unintelligible curse at me as he relayed the information.

''Major Lennox!''

''WHAT?'' I whipped my head around to see Captain Grahame rush up behind me. An explosion nearby forced us, and the other men in my small unit crouched nearby, to press up against the crumbling bricks and twisted metal frame.

''Prime's latest intel suggests he and the group of Autobots that ran point have eliminated Decepticon resistance on our right flank.''

I nodded. ''So, are we clear to push forward and achieve our objective?''

Grahame shook his head as the roar of jets closed in above us. ''Negative Sir. Optimus' energon readings indicate a concentration of 'Cons ahead of us, about 11 o'clock.''

Another explosion, this time nearer, caused mortar and debris to rain down upon us. I gripped my gun tightly, ''What's Prime's position?''

A flash of red, blue and silver glinted at me through the shattered building about 300 feet away. Optimus was making his way toward us at a rapid pace. I frowned and looked ahead to the abandoned car factory. /Something's not right/.

Before he had time to answer, I heard a harsh, metallic voice off to our left as a 'Con I had never seen before materialized out of nowhere. He was speaking Cybertronian as he raised his weapon to fire upon us.

''FALLBACK!'' Yet, even as I screamed the directive, I knew it was too late. We were right in his sights less than 100 yards away.

There was a loud guttural growl of rage as the shoulder holding the 'Cons' weapon erupted in a fiery explosion, and he staggered back a few paces. A second explosion collided with his right leg, bringing him crashing towards the ground.

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