Chapter 108: One Step Closer

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Author's note: Thanks im-mirrorball for your comments and mlllvix and kaliKD for your votes, much appreciated. I know you were probably all hoping it would be Optimus and OC, but had to sort Lennox and Orianna out first. Promise you though we are ALMOST there – only a handful to go (5 chapters) - and I will be kind and not make you, and any other loyal readers, wait too long between chapters. Hang in there! 😊

This chapter takes place the morning after Orianna and Lennox have their conversation and end their relationship. Awaking in his private quarters, Optimus reflects on the event that led to their conversation and what his course of action should be now.

Denotes recalled ''conversation''/flashback or dream.

/denotes internal thoughts/

Solar cycle = 1 earth day

Joor = 1 earth hour

Prime P.O.V

I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face as I knocked on the door to apartment 7. I knew in a moment I would be greeted by an attractive woman with flowing black and red locks, amazing brown and gold flecked eyes and a dazzling smile. A smile that had come to fill my spark with warmth and lips that enticed me to lean forward and capture them in a kiss.

Placing a hand on the door jamb, I felt my spark pulse rapidly in anticipation as footsteps drew near on the other side of the door. A second later the door was flung open, and I was greeted by a disheveled figure with tangled black and red locks pulled back in a messy bun, red-rimmed eyes that were dull and filled with pain and lips that were pulled together in a tight line.

''Hey.'' Her greeting was brisk and devoid of any warmth and welcome.

My smile faded immediately.

''Orianna?'' I frowned in concern at the woman who had already walked away from the door, moving to perch herself on the sofa in the lounge room. ''What's wrong?'' I strode into the room, closing the door behind me. I had come to check on her after I had found out Major Lennox was awake and Orianna had not been in to see him.

She sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as she looked away from me. ''Nothing.'' She almost barked the response at me.

I raised a questioning brow in her direction. I had been around human women long enough to know that when they said there was ''nothing wrong'', there was indeed ''something wrong''. Judging by her greeting and her actions now, I could tell something was bothering her, had upset her. I just didn't know what. Orianna had stayed faithfully by the Major's bed for nearly two weeks. /Why would she leave him now when he was finally awake?/. It didn't make sense. /Unless../.

I silently ran a scan to determine if she was sick. All results indicated she was in good health. I turned back towards the front door, taking in the pile of clothes and belongings I had only summarily glanced at. My frown deepened as I lowered myself on the armchair opposite her. ''Orianna, I came to check on you as Major Lennox is now awake, and I wondered why you weren't there to see him?''

Orianna snorted out loud and narrowed her eyes as she turned her attention to the pile of clothes on the floor by the door. ''Because he's a lying asshole Prime.'' She looked back at me, arms folded. The pain in her eyes had been replaced with seething anger. ''Is that a good enough reason?''

Only millennia of practicing self-control allowed me to remain composed at her comment and her reaction. I took a moment to process her words. ''I'm sorry Orianna. I do not understand the reasoning behind this accusation..''

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