Chapter 7: Work-Life Balance

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Author's note: Joors in this story = hours. Remember this, /denotes flashbacks and recalled conversations/.

Prime P.O.V

I looked at the pile of data pads on my makeshift desk in my quarters. Most I had read and signed off on. Duty rosters, medical reports, weapons inventory. Some still sat there almost taunting me, but I just could not bring myself to continue now. I had been sat here for a good few joors already and I was finding it hard to focus. I ex-vented deeply and pinched the bridge of my olfactory sensor. ''I need a break!'' I consulted my internal chronometer and was shocked to discover it was after 7pm in the evening already.

Before I realised it, I found my thoughts turning to Orianna. I had not seen her all day and I began to wonder what she was up to at this time of the evening. She was likely partaking in her evening meal or maybe even deciding to recharge early. She did look tired of late and when I questioned her about it, she just told me the heat made it difficult for her to fall asleep. Though I suspected Orianna had air-conditioning in her domicile, I decided not to press her on the matter as I did not want to upset her. She was once again showing signs of becoming preoccupied and distracted of late, and I did not want to risk offending her and possibly lose her company.

I rose to my pedes and exited my quarters, eager to give myself some much-needed rest. A small amusing snort erupted from my enstrils at the thought of the look of shock on Rachet's face if he were to discover that I was willingly taking a break from work! I tended to bury myself in my work, rarely taking the time to recharge and rest until I had done all I needed to do. A list that seemed never ending at times. It was a habit I had found hard to break for millions of years. /Until Orianna came along/.

I hesitated as I left the Autobot hanger, unsure as to whether I should head to our beach on the off chance Orianna might be there or drive into downtown Diego Garcia and chance calling by her apartment. ''Orianna often says I need to be more spontaneous and stop being so regimented and bound by routine and rules.'' My rumbling voice sounded strange to my own audials having been silent for so long, and a smile formed on my dermas as a conversation we had over a year ago, echoed through my processor.

/''Gees Prime! You really need to get out more and start having more fun. Loosen up a little, you'll burn yourself out!'' Orianna had stopped by my makeshift office and was once again lecturing me on my overzealous work ethic.

I had chuckled at her attempt to coerce me into abandoning my work to go for a drive with her, but in the end, I had chosen to finish my work. ''I seem to have survived millions of years maintaining my work ethic Orianna. I am sure I will be okay.''

She had rolled her eyes at me then. ''There is always a first time for everything Prime. Trust me on this. It is important to have a work-life balance.''

I had stared at her quizzically. ''A what Orianna? What does that expression mean?''

''It means Prime that while it is good to work hard and do your job to the best of your abilities, it is also equally important to find time to rest and relax.'' She had held up her two hands like an equal arm balance. ''Let's say this hand represents work,'' she had held up her left hand, ''and this hand is life. You know, fun and stuff.'' She put her left-hand way up in the air and her right-hand way down low. ''At the moment THIS is how you balance everything!''

''You have portrayed no balance Orianna,'' I had immediately corrected her.

''Ah ha!'' She yelled and clapped her hands together. ''Exactly my bloody point Prime!'' She shook her head, an exasperated look on her face. ''You always prioritise work over life..''

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