Chapter 16: On Matters Concerning A Prime

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Orianna P.O.V

Rachet pinched the bridge of his olfactory sensor. ''Very well Orianna. Physically speaking, Prime was very different back when I first met him. He was physically smaller, did not have the need for a battle mask but he still had a red and blue colour scheme..''

''Please don't tell me he had tacky flames back then too?'' I couldn't help interrupt.

Rachet growled at me. ''Don't interrupt so I can finish sooner. And no. He didn't''. I nodded. ''He was a little on the quiet side, kind of shy and nervous around bots he didn't know, and nowhere near as confident and commanding as he is now,'' he held his servo up to stop the question on my lips, ''and before you ask, yes, he was a bit awkward around the femmes. None of them really took any notice of him. Except of course for Ariel.''

I scrunched up my face. I had not heard of her. Prime never mentioned her before. /Did he fall in love with two femmes?/.

Rachet must have noticed my confusion and took pity on me. ''I am sure you have heard about Elita One?'' I nodded. ''And you have known that Prime was not always Prime. That he went by the name Orion Pax?'' I nodded again. ''Well, Ariel was Orion Pax's mate before they were both killed by Megatron and rebuilt by Alpha Trion, a very old and very wise Autobot.''

I held up my hand. ''Wait a second Rachet. You mean to tell me that Elita One was Ariel?''

Rachet nodded. ''Well perhaps more accurately, Ariel became Elita One just as Orion Pax became Optimus.''

I leaned forward preparing to ask another question when Rachet ploughed on. ''Anyway, as I was saying, Ariel became Elita One and Prime and her resumed their relationship right up until we left Cybertron in search of the Allspark.'' Rachet's expression softened, and his voice was low and tinged with sadness. ''We have not heard of or been able to contact her for over four million years. The fighting was fierce on Cybertron so there is every chance she perished along with many others.''

I scrunched up my face as I considered the facts presented. ''Yeah, but Rachet, you don't know that for sure. I mean, what if she is still alive?''

Rachet shook his helm. ''Negative Orianna. Prime would have had some confirmation through their bond, their link. He hasn't felt anything for over four million years.'' Rachet sighed. ''Believe me Orianna, Prime tried to contact her numerous times, he almost came close to abandoning the mission not long after we left to go back and find her.''

''Why didn't he Rachet?'' I barked tersely. ''If he loved her so damn much, why did he just leave her?'' I felt angry on Elita's behalf. The mech she loved just abandoned her when she needed him the most. /Surely that counts as a strike?/.

Rachet sent me a small, sad grin. ''He had a duty to find the Allspark and by doing so, possibly saving his race and a dying planet Orianna.''

/Okay, so scratch the strike. Very noble and self sacrificing. Damn it!/.

Rachet continued unaware of my internal struggle. ''The needs of Prime's own spark had to be ignored, no matter how much he may have wished otherwise.'' He gave a sad sigh. ''Elita would have understood. And as much as she would have hated it, she would have done the same.''

I shook my head. ''I know Rachet, but it just sucks! It sucks so bad. For both of them.''

Rachet sighed again as he nodded. ''I am sure you have discovered for yourself by now Orianna, that Prime is nothing if not unfailingly bent on preserving life, protecting his Autobots and taking his role of Prime very seriously.''

I brought a knee up under my chin. ''Yeah. A little too seriously if you ask me.''

''I agree.'' I snapped my head up to look at Rachet, who shifted on his pedes and smiled softly at me. ''Prime buries himself in his work as a means of distracting himself from the pain and suffering he carries within him. From the sense of responsibility that weighs upon him.''

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