Chapter 99 - Torn

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Author's note: Big shout out to my reviewers and anyone who has voted on my story. Very grateful for your support. KEEP 'EM COMING!!! I know it was a little bit mean of me to leave you on such a note, and I can't say I won't do it again, but as a thank you for your continued support here comes the next chapter. :-)

While Orianna has been at her beach going from one extreme of emotion to the next, Lennox has been forgotten about. This, in turn, has sent him in search of his own solace. Never fear, we WILL return to Orianna and Prime in the next chapter... stay tuned!

Little bit of swearing.

''denotes phone call conversation.''

Lennox P.O.V

The cool liquid that I gulped down did little to extinguish the simmering anger that consumed me. It was well after midnight, and I hadn't heard from her. ''Not a word,'' I muttered to myself as I brought the icy beer up to my lips again.

I hadn't exactly bothered to reach out to her either. ''And why should I? It was her who left me standing on the side of the road like some shmuck!'' I took a large gulp. ''All because of some fucking cardigan!'' A spiteful laugh erupted from my lips as I smacked the barrel table top with my right palm. ''Shows where you stand in the order of things Lennox,'' I murmured bitterly to no one in particular.

I downed the contents of my beer and waved at the brown-haired man collecting empty bottles nearby. ''Mick! Oi, Mick!'' He turned to look at me, raising a brow. I waved the empty bottle before me. ''Yo. Need another one over here!''

He rolled his eyes but moved dutifully to the fridge. Dispensing of the empty bottles, he wordlessly grabbed another beer. Walking back towards me he held it out before him. I reached out and grabbed it, smiling. ''Easy Major. You might want to pace yourself.''

I snorted as I raised the bottle in salute. ''I think my pace is just fine actually Mick. To ya health!''

He shook his head, chuckling before he nodded and walked off to the chorus of customers demanding service. I took a big swig, enjoying the taste and feel of the beer as it travelled down my throat. I sat the bottle down again as my fingers drummed against the wooden tabletop. An amused, bitter smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. It was the same barreled table I had found OC at the night Prime told her he didn't love her. ''The first time she kissed me, was right here.''

A painful ache sat in my chest as my fingers traced invisible patterns in the woodgrain where she had sat all that time ago. ''How much has happened since then?'' I quietly mused to myself. ''How much has changed?'' An image of Orianna staring possessively at Optimus as he walked onto the volleyball court shirtless flashed once more through my mind. I snorted and reached for the bottle. ''And how much has stayed the same!''

''Hey handsome, you come here often?''

The bottle froze midair as a voice I had longed to hear interrupted my morbid thoughts. I spun around on my seat coming face to face with a pair of beautiful blue-green eyes and a killer smile. My face lit up as I moved to stand. ''Sarah!'' The owner of the voice smiled brightly back at me. ''That sounds awfully like a corny pick-up line.'' I raised my brow at her. ''Does it ever work?''

She laughed right back at me as she pointed to the seat near me. ''May I join you?''

''Of course! Please.'' I gestured for her to sit, pulling back the stool for her.

She smiled in thanks and held her drink up to cheers him as I took the seat beside her. Our glasses clinked. ''And in answer to your question, yes it does.''

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