Chapter 56: An Opportunity...... Lost?

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Orianna P.O.V

I momentarily closed my eyes as that delicious voice travelled down towards me, wrapping me in warmth. As I opened them again to take in the towering mech before me, I noticed Prime simply staring at me, his optics flicking over my form rapidly. No smile graced his dermas. There was no outward sign he was pleased to see me. I swallowed the lump that suddenly formed in my throat.

Gathering my senses once more, I nodded curtly and returned the simple address. ''Hello Prime.'' Behind me Jazz transformed into his bi-pedal mode and moved to stand beside Optimus, a contrite expression on his visored face. I glared daggers at him as I folded my arms across my chest. /Oh you'll bloody well keep Jazz!/. He simply shrugged his shoulders and grinned at me.

My eyes darted to Prime's impassive face and then behind him as I noticed Ironhide and Rachet come to a stop behind their leader. They nodded their helms in greeting, a very brief smile tugged at the corner of Rachet's dermas. Ironhide stood stony faced. I snorted softly and shook my head. ''Well! Nice to see you all too. As it turns out,'' I took in the serious, emotionless faces of those gathered before me, ''this is the perfect setting to meet up with you all again.''

Prime took a half step forward, but he did not lower himself towards me as he once did. I was both relieved and hurt. ''Please forgive the early hour Orianna. I know how much you dislike early mornings.'' He shuttered his optics and continued to stare at me as if he were looking right through me. I shivered in the cool morning air. ''However, I need to speak with both you and Sam as a matter of urgency about some - serious developments - that have occurred recently.''

I unfolded my arms and put my hands in my jean pockets, seeking warmth. Looking around me, I shrugged my shoulders. ''Where is Sam anyway? Shouldn't he be here already?''

Prime tilted his helm towards the road we had just travelled up. His gaze did not leave me. ''He and Bumblebee are approaching now.''

As if on que, the sound of 'Bee's engine revving cut through the early morning air and a second later a flash of yellow and black appeared. I laughed out loud. ''Oh, Sam'll be stoked you pulled him out of college on his first day at this ungodly hour Prime. Good call.''

Prime shifted on his pedes and his optics narrowed slightly though he refrained from saying anything. Behind him Ironhide looked from me, to Prime and back again a scowl on his face, before his optics fell on the young man climbing out of the yellow Camaro.

''Hunh. One day. You couldn't give me one day in college, could you?'' the irritation in Sam's voice was evident as he strode towards Prime, and I didn't blame him. He paused as he noticed me standing before Optimus. ''Hunh. They got you too hey?'' He nodded in greeting, ''OC.''

''Hey Sam. Long time no see hunh?'' I smiled at him and the young man grunted back.

Prime took another step towards us. ''I'm sorry Sam, Orianna,''his voice held genuine regret and I felt some of my annoyance towards him recede. ''But the last fragment of the All Spark was stolen.''

''What? Like what? Like Decepticon stolen?'' Sam asked almost nervously.

I snorted out loud. ''What do you think Sam?'' I turned back to face Prime. ''So yesterday when I was...'' my voice trailed off as I realised what I was about to say.

''Yes Orianna.'' Prime supplied in a low rumble. ''In answer to your unvoiced question, Decepticons were the reason Major Lennox had to end his phone call with you abruptly. They attacked the base.''

I bit my lower lip and nodded silently. I felt myself cringe at the almost acidic tone in his voice when he said you. His optics shuttered once, before he looked back at Sam and continued talking. ''We placed it under human protection at your government's request. But I'm here for your help Sam,'' he turned bright optics that pulsed momentarily as his gaze fell on me, ''and Orianna. Because your leaders believe we bought vengeance upon your planet.'' He looked away. ''Perhaps they are right.'' Prime looked back towards us imploringly. ''That is why they must be reminded by other humans of the trust we share.'' Prime's optics settled directly on me, and I swallowed nervously. I had almost forgotten how unnerving it can be to find yourself in Optimus Prime's gaze.

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