Chapter 110: The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants

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Author's note: Including this one, we are 3 chapters away from the end people.... So very, very close!

Overcome by his sense of moral obligation and need to repair his damaged friendship with Lennox, Optimus goes to speak with his friend and apologise for his actions the night of the fateful mission.

Optimus wasn't sure how Major Lennox would react when he gave his admission and apology, but he certainly didn't expect what happened.

It's a long one... sorry... Trying to tie up any lose ends and setting it all up!

/denotes internal thoughts/

::denotes comm link conversation::

Prime P.O.V

As usual, the demands of being Prime outweighed my own personal needs, and I arrived at the hospital late in the afternoon, not mid-morning as I had intended. /Still, I was here!/. Walking down the corridor towards Major Lennox's room, I felt strangely nervous and worried. I knew what I was about to do was the right thing – my conscience demanded it – but I was also uncertain of the outcome.

There was no guarantee absolution for my transgressions, real or perceived, would be obtained. There was every chance the Major may refuse to accept my apology and reject my claim to be with Orianna. However, there was also the chance he may not. /And that is why I continued walking towards his room/. If there was even a small chance I may be able to repair my friendship with Major Lennox, and earn his blessing to be with Orianna, then I had to take it.

During the past two years working alongside Major Lennox, I had come to view him as a fair minded and honorable man who treated his men, and my Autobots with respect. He was the kind of man who listened to those around him to make an informed decision. He valued honesty and loyalty, and gave the same in return. As his room loomed before me, I hoped my faith in his character was not misplaced.

I paused at the door to gather my thoughts before knocking several times to announce my presence as was a human custom. I waited to be invited in. /Primus please let him be here! I want this over and done with/.

''Come in!'' His familiar voice called out. He sounded happy and I briefly wondered if he would remain so when I entered the room.

I rounded the corner in time to see Sarah place a kiss on Lennox's lips and step back from his bedside. A faint blush stained her cheeks as she looked from me back to Lennox. She was dressed in civilian clothing so she must have been here as a visitor to see him. /Clearly their relationship has progressed/.

''Optimus!'' Major Lennox announced my name enthusiastically, catching me off guard. ''Good to see you. Come in, come in.'' He began to sit up.

I nodded in greeting as I approached his bed. ''Major Lennox.'' I faced Sarah and acknowledged her too with a dip of my head a smile. ''Miss Jamison.'' Major Lennox had no doubt informed her who I really was.

''Please,'' she smiled, though her eyes flicked rapidly over my form, no doubt trying to comprehend the very human looking man before her housed the spark of a near thirty-foot metallic robot. ''Just call me Sarah, Optimus Prime.''

I nodded in understanding as I came to a stop at the end of the bed. I smiled warmly at her, even though a small part of me felt the tiniest sense of betrayal for Orianna. I quickly dismissed it. ''Of course, Sarah. If you would do me the same courtesy and refer to me as simply 'Optimus' or 'Prime'.''

''I can do that Optimus.'' The blonde-haired woman smiled brightly up at me and then over to Lennox who was watching her fondly.

Again, my spark ached slightly for Orianna. /Remember why you are here!/. I turned my attention back to the Major who was watching me carefully.

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