Frowning, I finally closed the door and followed him. The anger and resentment being replaced by cautious curiosity as to why he was here. Probably a stupid idea, but I didn't care at the moment.

I watched him as he raised his head and began sniffing the air as he walked around. A certain smell must have caught his nose because he growled lowly and huffed a little.

I narrowed my eyes before raising my own nose to smell the air, but all I could smell was my pets, Jack, and another scent I'm assuming is Lily's. It puzzled me but I kept quiet, just continuing to observe.

Finally, after what felt like ages, Jack stopped and went to sit on the couch. He looked at it peculiarly and growled a bit before sitting where Lily sat a few hours prior. Once he was comfortable he turned and looked pointedly at me and then the seat next to him.

I got the message immediately but just scowled at him in answer.

No way was I taking orders or demands from him in MY own home.

"Who does this bastard think he is?" Frost said, became agitated as well as he started pushing for control again, and this time I let him.

Frost's Pov~

Fuckin' finally, I thought as the man who is supposedly my other half continued to stare and watch me. However his eyes narrowed as Aiden's eyes glowed, showing him I was present.

I saw as his eyes flickered as well, but Jack remained in control. Still just staring and waiting.

Eventually, sick of it I growled out a response.

"What the hell do you want." I snarled, baring one of my canines. Rather short in Aiden's body but it still got the message across.

Jack continued to just stare, probably figuring I'd easily give in and sit by him. You know, since he's an Alpha and all.

I just internally snorted as Aiden shook his head.

Well guess what you prick. I'm an Alpha too, and that bullshit will never slide with me.

So, I continued to stand there, starting to tap my foot at a steady pace. I know it will get on his nerves, because it always gets on mine.

After about two more minutes of eerie silence, foot-tapping, and staring he finally stands up with a low growl as he glares at me.

"Why don't you sit down. And for God's sake QUIT THAT TAPPING." He shouted, and I felt a small smirk make its way onto my face.

Ha. I won.

But as I continue to tap my foot I physically see his patience running low.

"Stop." He growls, but this time, the command is backed with a hefty load of power.

My eyes narrow as my foot slowly comes to a stop. Not because he told me too, but because I'm starting to get annoyed too.

"What do you think gives you the right to come here and start ordering me around?" I ask, my calm tone laced with venom. "This is MY home. And you're lucky I haven't told you to leave yet."

My words sparked a new anger in him, but he wisely kept it in check as he sat back on the couch. I heard him let out a heavy sigh as he looked away before he saying, "Would you please join me on the couch."

His new attitude irked me, and just to be difficult  I asked, "Yeah? Give me a good reason I should, and not just walk out of here."

I heard a low growl and I smirked again as he said, "I would like to talk to you. Peacefully if you could."

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