Chapter 45

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Santana's POV

The day after returning back to Columbus from Lima, it was the day of our doctor's appointment. Jessie wasn't working, so they gladly had Everly over for the afternoon. I was incredibly nervous, butterflies in my stomach and my heart racing, on the way to the appointment.

"Everything will be okay," Brittany said as she drove, but it didn't reassure me.

Thankfully, we didn't have a long wait before we got to see the doctor. She weighed me and started by checking all the basics before we could have a transvaginal ultrasound. (Being so early in the pregnancy, it meant I couldn't have a normal ultrasound.)

At first, I couldn't look at the screen. That was until the doctor said, "It looks like you're having twins."

"What?" I replied, glancing over at the screen. There wasn't much to see, but I could tell that it was indeed twins.

"From what I can tell, they're sharing everything, so they're identical, but we'll be able to have a better look once you're further along. Congratulations; everything is looking good." The doctor started cleaning everything up.

Still in shock, I realized Brittany hadn't said anything, so I looked over to her.

There was a tear falling down her face. "Twins?" she asked.

I was sure she was excited, but I was honestly kind of terrified. I'd been the midwife for only a few twin pregnancies, and I'd never wanted to experience it since it had always seemed harder. Plus, two new babies meant twice the work and even less sleep. My mind was racing.

Once Brittany and I left the clinic and were in the car, we finally spoke to each other.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me.

"Shocked," I replied. "I'm glad everything's okay but twins?"

"You're good with it, though?"

I nodded. "Once I get over the shock, I'm sure I'll be a little excited. It's just, twins seem so much harder than just one baby, and I remember how exhausting Everly was as a baby and even now sometimes."

"Yeah, but we'll be just fine," Brittany said.

"I'm sure we will. I'm glad they noticed this early, though. I know someone who only found out at twenty weeks pregnant; then I'm sure I'd be freaking out even more."


When we got home, Brittany and I made ice cream sundaes to celebrate the appointment being over. (We'd been so stressed about the appointment that we'd agreed to reward ourselves once it was over.)

Once our quick celebration was over, we went to Jessie's to pick Everly up. Brittany talked with Everly while I took Jessie aside to tell them I was pregnant.

"It's identical twins," I said after telling them.

"How are you feeling about that?" they asked.

"A little nervous and definitely shocked, but I'm excited."

"That's good," they said. "I'm really happy for you and Brittany"

"Yeah, I'm happy too."

We made our way to where Brittany was packing up Everly's things.

"I do have to get ready to head into work for the night shift now. Sorry to kick you out," Jessie said.

"That's alright. See you soon," I replied.

We said our goodbyes and planned for Jessie to come over for dinner in the next week.


Everly loved summer so much. As soon as we were home and she'd greeted Max at the door, she wanted to go outside to play. I was craving potato chips, so I grabbed a bag from the cupboard and joined Brittany and Evie in the backyard.

Our daughter could spend hours investigating all the bugs she found, running in the grass, and getting pushed on her swing. We'd recently taught her how to pump her legs on the swing so we wouldn't need to constantly push her, and she thought it was magic.

When the potato chips started to make me feel nauseous (inevitably), I ran inside to the bathroom.

As I was washing my hands, I heard Brittany call out from the yard. My heart jumped, and I ran outside.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seeing Brittany kneeling next to a crying Everly on the ground.

"She fell off the swing," Brittany said, her voice worried.

"Do we need to go to the emergency room?"

"I think so," Brittany replied. "I feel so horrible; I looked away for just a second."

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." I gently brushed a strand of hair away from Everly's face. "Do you want to carry her? I'll start the car."


I grabbed Everly's comfort (Bubbles the dolphin) from the house before starting the car. Brittany carefully buckled a sobbing Evie into her car seat. My heart broke hearing her trying to catch her breath, and I handed her Bubbles, who she hugged to her chest with her uninjured arm.

Brittany got into the backseat with Everly, and I started the drive to the emergency room. I had to try to block out Evie's crying to make sure I was driving as safely as possible, and to hopefully not freak out anymore than I already was.

When we arrived at the hospital where I worked, I stopped as close to the emergency room doors as I could and helped Brittany get Everly out of her car seat before we made our way into the building.



Thank you for reading! Sorry that it's been so long since I last updated. With work and college, I've been very busy, and then I got sick, then it was Easter and my birthday, but I'm back now! Now that you know it's twins, do you have any predictions or name recommendations? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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