Chapter 36

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Santana's POV

December went by very quickly. I worked until two days before Christmas, and thankfully none of my patients were near their due date, so the chance of getting called in during my week off was slim. Slowly, presents began to gather under our Christmas tree during the month as well. Everly was getting excited, but she kept a safe distance from the gifts once we told her she'd get to open them on Christmas.

We wanted to create our own Christmas Eve and Christmas day traditions with Everly, so we'd be going to Lima later on Christmas day and staying for two nights before coming back home. Our parents had said they could gladly come visit us, but Everly loved going to Lima, and we wanted to make her happy.

"Mami!" Everly exclaimed when I came home from work two days before Christmas, ready to start my break with my family.

"Hi Evie!" I greeted, hugging her as she ran into my arms.

"Mama's making pizza!" she said. "Then we watch more Mickey Chris'mas."

I smiled at her insistence. We'd already seen A Mickey Mouse Christmas a number of times throughout December, but Everly loved it so much. She hardly ever got to watch anything on TV, so we'd decided we could let her watch a little more in December because it was special.

Brittany was in the kitchen just putting the pizza into the oven. Once the oven door was closed, I hugged her quickly.

"Ready to watch more Mickey Mouse Christmas?" I asked, joking.

"Of course," she replied. "And we don't even have to watch the whole thing before dinner is ready this time."

We made our way into the living room where Everly was already holding the DVD case in her hands, ready. We sat down on the couch with Evie between us and a blanket over our legs to watch.


The next day was Christmas Eve. Jessie would be coming over for brunch (a Christmas Eve tradition we'd started before Brittany and I were together), and Everly was beside herself with excitement.

"Mama! Mami! Jessie's coming!" was what we woke up to, Everly running up to our bed and trying her best to climb onto it.

"I know, E," Brittany replied. "That is very exciting. Why don't you go get your Christmas sweater out so we can get dressed?"

"Okay!" She ran out of the room just as fast as she'd ran in.

Brittany giggled at her excitement, but I felt as though my body couldn't move from underneath the warm covers.

"Santana," Brittany said, her voice teasing. "Are you ready to get up?"

I shook my head.

"Well, I think Evie will come running in again if we don't get to her soon, so there isn't a whole lot of choice."

I groaned, climbing out of bed, and immediately feeling just how cold the floor was beneath my feet. I put on my slippers before Brittany and I went to Everly's bedroom.

Everly had her Christmas sweater in her arms, still wearing her pyjamas.

She happily changed into a pair of leggings and her Christmas sweater, and I put her hair into pigtails with red ribbons while Brittany got dressed. Then, Brittany and Everly went to the kitchen to start on brunch while I got dressed, also into a Christmas sweater.

Everly loved helping in the kitchen, so all three of us worked together on brunch until Jessie rang the doorbell.

"It's Jessie!" Everly squealed, jumping off her stool and scaring Max away from where he was sitting by her feet.

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