Chapter 33

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Brittany's POV

Working twice a week made time go by even quicker if possible, and soon the end of October was near.

"B," Santana said while we were at the park with Everly, wearing jackets since it was getting cooler out. "Do you think we should invite Quinn and Hazel over for Halloween? At Oliver's party, we said we'd invite her over sometime soon, and we still haven't yet."

"Sure," I replied. "Does that mean we're taking the girls trick or treating? I was really hoping we could take Everly this year, since we haven't before."

"I'll talk to Quinn, but I'm sure we can take her trick or treating. Do you have any costume ideas?"

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling Everly will want to be a princess... or possibly a cat."

"I think you're right about that." Santana laughed.

So, we invited Quinn and her daughter over for Halloween. It was on a Monday, but thankfully Quinn was still able to make it for the evening and to stay overnight, since she didn't often work in the mornings.

When they showed up at our front door just after we finished eating dinner on Halloween night, we were glad we'd invited them. Even though Everly wasn't as comfortable around Hazel as she was around Finn and Rachel's daughter, she warmed up to her very quickly. We knew it would be a good thing for her to have another kid to trick or treat with.

"So, what is Hazel going as?" I asked Quinn while getting Everly's costume out.

"She was very intent on being Elsa," Quinn replied. "What about Everly?"

"Rapunzel." I laughed.

We gathered the girls and got them into their costumes. Santana helped Everly with her Rapunzel wig, but she didn't like how itchy it was, so instead she styled her blonde hair in a braid like in the movie. Thankfully, we avoided a meltdown.

Once the girls were ready, we loaded them up into our wagon and started down the street.

We knew they wouldn't last long, since, even though their costumes had long sleeves, it was really cold outside. Besides, we wanted to be done before too many older kids came around.

"Do you want to knock on the door?" I asked Everly when we were at our third house, me having been the one to knock on the previous two doors.

She shrugged, but when I walked up with her and Hazel, she did knock, albeit super lightly on the door.

The girls grew tired by the end of the street, so we brought them home and made hot apple cider before getting them ready for bed.

"You know," Quinn said, "I'm really glad you invited us over."

"We're glad you could make it," I replied. "Hopefully it won't be so long next time."

She nodded. "Maybe I'll have to invite you over next time."

"That would be nice."

The next morning, Quinn and Hazel went back to Lima, but it was great to know that we weren't so distant anymore.


Everly and I came home from dance class one day in November after I'd spent nearly the entire class coughing to see that Santana wasn't home. I checked my phone to see that she'd texted me to say one of her patients had gone into labor and she'd be gone for a while.

I found some leftover food in the fridge to eat, since my legs shook when I stood, exhausted from class and my oncoming sickness.

Everly seemed fine as she ate her food, but I hardly touched mine.

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