Chapter 28

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Santana's POV

It had been a long process since we decided I would try to get pregnant. In the new year, we started looking through donors, ultimately deciding on one who had similar features to Brittany, as well as a good family history and health, of course. Then, we had to wait, and I was put on some medication during those few months, so, hopefully, our chances of getting pregnant the first time would be higher.

In March, Everly insisted that it was time for her plastic swing to be put up again in the backyard, even though there was still some snow on the ground.

So Brittany and I set up her swing, needing a distraction from all the waiting, and knowing that our daughter was great at bringing smiles to our faces. She had struggled throughout the winter, wanting to go outside as often as she had in summer when it was storming or just not worth it to get her into her snow suit to go outside, so, even though she liked the snow, she was excited when it started to melt.

"Max wants outside too!" she declared as we helped her get into her snow suit.

"I think it might be a little too cold outside for Max, Evie," I replied.

Max had grown a lot since we got him. Now, he could jump on almost anything in the house, and he even tried to get in the bathtub with Everly, since he always wanted to follow her around.


"Sweetie, I think Mami is right. Once all the snow is gone, then we can maybe take Max outside with us, okay?" Brittany said.

"When will the snow be gone?" Everly asked.

"Well, we don't really know, but hopefully it will be soon," I replied, putting on my own winter jacket and mittens, ready to go outside.


By the time June came around, we'd been to the doctor more times for more tests. It was hard sometimes to hide from Everly what we were doing, but we knew that the process could take a long time, and we didn't want to tell her until we were sure I was pregnant.

"We can do the first insemination next month," the doctor said at our June appointment.

"Really?" I asked. With all the work we'd had to go through, I was excited we could finally start the actual process. Well, excited and nervous.

"Yeah. Just keep testing for your ovulation and let us know when it's time. See you next month."

We left the appointment deciding not to tell anyone. We had originally thought that we'd tell our friends and family when we could finally start trying, but we didn't really want all the questioning. Plus, I was far too stressed.

Everly was staying at the daycare near the hospital I worked at, which she didn't go to often, but she did when Brittany and I were both busy and Jessie couldn't watch her. It was great, since having the owner as a patient of mine meant she could go for almost free, and we knew Jessie could check on her if need be.

Once we picked Everly up, we went home where we ate spaghetti for dinner.

"Mama, Mami, can we play dress up tonight?" Everly asked while we were eating.

"Sure," I replied, grinning. Dress up, especially with her dolls and stuffed animals, was one of Everly's new favorite things to play.

So, we spent our evening playing dress up with our daughter, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about what the future would bring.


"B, it's positive," I whispered, looking down at the test in my hand.

After putting Everly to bed every night that week, I'd been doing ovulation tests to see when we could go to the clinic to get inseminated. Tonight, it was finally positive.

"Should I call the doctor?" Brittany asked.

"I guess so," I replied, almost frozen in my spot. Butterflies took over my stomach.

Brittany got her phone and called the doctor.

"We have an appointment tomorrow at ten in the morning," she said when she hung up the phone. "How are you feeling?"

"A little anxious," I replied, slowly putting the test down.

"Come here."

I walked into Brittany's arms, and she hugged me so tight that all my worries temporarily faded away.

"You know I won't blame you if it doesn't work, right? Don't blame yourself either. If we're meant to have more kids, then we will have more kids, even if it takes some time."

"Thanks. I needed to hear that. Do you think we could watch a cheesy rom-com to distract me?"

"Sure, why not?" Brittany replied. "Anything that will make you feel less nervous about tomorrow."


The next morning, we ate breakfast and got Everly dressed and ready sooner than usual. I called into work to let them know I'd be taking the day off, and we were on our way to drop Everly off at the hospital daycare.

We got to the clinic only a few minutes before our appointment, but that was a good thing. Waiting rooms made me anxious.

My legs bounced up and down, and I bit my lip so hard it was almost bleeding, holding Brittany's hand to try to calm me down. I wished I'd done more research, but I also knew I'd already done too much.

"Santana Lopez-Pierce."

Brittany stood up, and I followed after her, trying to breathe slowly to calm my pounding heart.

Thankfully, the actual insemination process didn't hurt, and as I lay there for the twenty minutes after the procedure, I felt a sense of calm.

"How are you feeling?" Brittany asked once we were alone.

"Good," I replied, honestly. "Is it weird that I feel better now that the insemination is over?"

"I don't think so. It was something you've never done before and didn't know what to expect. And now that part is over."

"Yeah, but I guess I just thought I'd be more anxious waiting to see if it worked," I said, wishing I could look at Brittany better, but laying down on what was essentially a table did not make that easy.

"Knowing you, you will be anxious then too. I'm sure you're relieved this is over."

"I am."

Soon, the twenty minutes were up, and we were on our way to pick Everly up just in time for lunch.

I didn't do a lot for the rest of the day, since Brittany insisted that I should rest. So, the three of us watched a movie, and when we went outside, I sat on a lawn chair watching. Placing my hands on my stomach, I wondered if the insemination had worked. It was so hard for me not to know, but at least I had plenty of things in my life to keep me occupied during the wait.



So, I'm back, and so is the Lopez-Pierce family a number of months later! I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter and this story so far and if you have any opinions about Brittany and Santana growing their family or what you think will happen. I'm not really sure how this story will end, but I can guarantee that it's going to keep going for a while, and I may eventually write a sequel as well.

Thank you for reading! 

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