Chapter 42

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Brittany's POV

A few days after our appointment, the three of us went to Jessie to celebrate them officially becoming a family doctor. We didn't talk at all about us trying to get pregnant, partially because Everly was there, and partially because we were both anxious about it.

We spent a lot of time with Everly during our two-week wait, going outside with her now that the weather was warmer, and taking her to the park. On the days when Santana was at work, we would spend time in the kitchen making her a snack for when she would get home. We got into some sort of a routine.

Our routine felt disrupted on the day when we could take the pregnancy test. Santana had to go to work, so she'd pick up three tests on her way home. I tried playing with dolls with Everly, but it was hard for me to concentrate when I just wanted, or needed, to know if Santana was pregnant. It was kind of a mind game, since, with her fertility medication, she had a lot of pregnancy symptoms, but that hadn't meant she was pregnant on any of our other tries.

Everly, worn out from playing outside, fell asleep quickly after her bath in the evening.

"Are you ready?" I asked Santana as we made our way into our master bathroom.

"I guess I have to be," she replied, her voice shaking.

Once she'd peed on the three tests and I'd set my timer, I hugged her. "Everything will be okay."

My timer went off, and I knew I would have to look at the tests.

I took in a deep breath and took the two steps over to the counter where the tests were sitting.

"They're positive," I said, almost in disbelief.

"Really?" Santana asked, tears running down her cheeks.

"Yeah, they're positive!" I tried not to be too loud for the sake of Everly, but seeing the second line on all three tests brought such relief and joy into my voice.

Santana, still crying, hugged me tightly.

"I guess we have to call the doctor and get an appointment," she said once she let me go.

"I guess so," I replied. "What do you want to do to celebrate?"

"Well, I wouldn't say no to ice cream and a movie." She smiled.

"I wouldn't either. I'll get the ice cream."


The next day, Santana got ready for work, smiling more than she had for a while. We called the doctor together to book an appointment for that afternoon, just to confirm and check everything over.

Everly and I got in the car with Santana to drop her off at work; it was almost as though our daughter knew something was different, as she was even more talkative than normal during the drive.

With Santana at work, Everly and I went to the park to play until lunch.

After eating lunch, I dropped her off at the hospital daycare while picking up Santana.

"I'm nervous," Santana said on our way to the car. "I wish we could just skip past all this early stuff."

"It'll be okay." I tried to comfort her, but the truth was, I was nervous too.

We made it to the clinic just before our appointment started and thankfully didn't have to wait very long in the waiting room.

Santana cringed a little when getting her blood drawn but all the doctor's appointments we'd been to lately had desensitized her to a lot of the procedures.

"Well, congratulations, you're pregnant," the doctor said when the results came back. "It's too early to see anything yet on an ultrasound, but by your next appointment we should be able to."

Santana let out a breath. "Okay," she managed to say.

"I'll see you in about a month for your next appointment."

We left the appointment not feeling much different than we had before, besides complete confidence in the fact that Santana was pregnant.

"Would you like to do something together before we go pick up Everly?" I asked.

"I don't know," she replied. "It feels too early to celebrate, but if she wanted to go get doughnuts on the way home I wouldn't be opposed."

"Alright, then, let's go get Evie."


Over the next few days, I saw Santana separate herself little by little, clearly stressed about something going wrong and not wanting to celebrate prematurely. I was worried too, but I knew we didn't have much say in what happened next, and I wanted to be excited about the pregnancy. Santana, though, didn't want to tell anyone nor did she want to celebrate.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked her one evening while we got ready for bed.

"I will be," she replied.

Not long after our appointment, Santana started to get the occasional bought of morning sickness. On the bad days, she was sick the whole day and stayed home from work, but not every day was a bad day.

"I can't wait for the first trimester to be over," Santana said on one of the bad days when we'd dropped Everly off at daycare.

"It will be before you know it," I replied, but I remembered just how awful I'd felt during my first trimester as well.

"Do you think you could get to the bed?"

She shrugged. "I don't want to have to run to the bathroom again, so I think I'll just stay here on the floor."

I smiled at her and started braiding her hair back so it wouldn't be in her face.

"You know we haven't actually talked much about you being pregnant," I said.

"I know, I'm just really nervous," she replied.

"And I understand that, but you have to be at least a little excited. And the baby will be due in February; that's nowhere near any of our birthdays."

"I am a little excited. And as soon as I hit the second trimester, we can start telling people, including Everly. Maybe then I'll be less nervous."

"I hope so. Now, you haven't been sick in a while, so why don't we take a nap before we have to pick Everly up?"




So, now that Santana's definitely pregnant, do you have any predictions/name recommendations? I don't want to spoil anything, but I can guarantee that this pregnancy will not be too complicated or end badly.

Thank you so much for reading!

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