Chapter 18

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Brittany's POV

The snow had started to melt but the air was still cold when Everly started rolling around the living room. That was also when we realized that our apartment was not baby-proofed enough. She also started babbled in response to Santana and me talking to her, and I loved that.

Still, I was stressed about not contributing enough to rent and other costs. Santana insisted that she had everything under control, but a job was starting to sound better and better.


When our beautiful daughter was six months old, Santana and I discussed the option of me getting a job.

"Are you sure this is something you want?" she asked. "I know how much you love staying home with Everly."

"I do, and I wish I could work from home. But, since that probably isn't a possibility, I want to look for work. I feel worthless, not bringing in any income when I know we don't have a lot of money. All I ever do is spend it on groceries and baby clothes."

"You have no reason to feel worthless because you aren't," Santana said. "I am so glad that you get to spend time at home loving our baby, but if you think you need to work, then I support you."

"Okay, thank you."

I found a job listing online only a day later, advertising for an educational assistant at a nearby elementary school. So, I applied, but when a few weeks had passed without a response, I gave up on that job.

"I think I want to stay home with Everly a little while longer," I told Santana, realizing that even if I had gotten the job, it would have been extremely difficult for me to leave Everly during the days.


We had another video call with Miranda in the day that Everly sat up by herself for the first time.

"When can I really meet her?" Miranda had asked again.

"Soon," I'd replied, although I was still unsure of it happening altogether.

"I can't wait!"

Everly showed off all her new developments before we ended the call and put her down for a nap.

"You know, we should probably try giving Everly some solid food soon," Santana said once I'd breastfed Everly and she was asleep.

I nodded. We'd discussed it for a while already, but hadn't yet. "Maybe we'll do that tomorrow."


So, the next day, Everly was seated in her highchair, and I was mashing a banana for her to try.

"Would you like to give it to her?" I asked Santana, tearing up a little with disbelief that my daughter was already old enough to eat solid foods.

"Okay," she replied, taking the bowl and tiny baby spoon from my hands.

Everly grimaced at first, refusing to let the spoon pass through her lips, but Santana worked her motherly magic (what I'd started to call the way she could get Everly to do almost everything) and managed to get some banana into her mouth. After that, Everly ate almost the whole thing, clearly enjoying the sweet flavor.


Wedding planning while job searching and raising a baby was hard work, but thankfully I had Santana, along with our friends and family to help us out.

Since we did not have a lot of money, we decided to have a very small wedding. We wanted to get married in the park that meant so much to us, so we called the Lima city council, and they agreed to close off a part of the park to others for two hours on our wedding day, which we had decided would be in June.

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