Chapter 30

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Sorry in advance for this chapter... I've had this planned for a long time.

There are some trigger warnings for the chapter, but the nature of the triggers are at the bottom of the chapter to prevent spoilers.


Santana's POV

After Brittany's birthday, I started to get some morning sickness, but thankfully I could still go to work and function mostly normal.

The next week, Brittany and I got a call from her sister.

"I'm moving to Columbus!" was her exciting news.

She'd decided to attend college in Columbus, one of the schools she was accepted to, and she'd be living in dorm within walking distance of our house.

"That's great! Now we'll get to see you so much more!" Brittany was ecstatic. I knew she enjoyed living in Columbus, but I also knew she missed seeing her family often.


One day in early August at work, I was giving a woman an ultrasound, when an intense pain started in my lower abdomen. I gasped before quickly hiding it and finishing up the appointment before calling Brittany.

"B," I said as soon as she picked up, "I think something is wrong. It really hurts." My surroundings became blurry as tears began filling my eyes.

"Do you need me to come get you?"

"Please come," I replied. "I'm going to go talk to my boss."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too."

After hanging up the phone, I made my way to my boss's office, knocking on the door with more urgency than I would have liked.

"Hello, Santana," my boss said after opening the door. "Is something wrong?"

"You know how I've been trying to get pregnant?" Working as a midwife made it almost impossible to hide these types of things from the people I worked with, so my boss had known we were trying. "I am, but now I think something's wrong."

"Okay, come with me. I'll check you over."

I followed my boss into an exam room and lay down.

A few moments later, she said, "It looks like you've miscarried. I'm sorry, Santana. Would you like me to call your wife?"

"I already did. Could you go see if she's here, though?"

She nodded and exited the room, leaving me crying alone on the exam table.

"Santana! Are you okay?" Brittany rushed into the room a few moments later, Everly in her arms.

I shrugged.

"I rushed over as quickly as I could," she said, looking at Everly knowing I didn't know what to say with her in the room.

"It's alright. Can you just take me home?"

"Of course."

I tried my best to act normal for Everly but winced in pain as we made our way to the car. After our daughter was buckled into the back seat, Brittany helped me into the passenger side, kissing my cheek before going around the car. When we got home, she brought Everly into her bedroom to play with her dolls before coming to talk to me in our bedroom. (Our daughter knew not to barge in if our door was closed but to knock if she needed anything from us.)

"We lost the baby," I whispered once we were alone.

"How are you?" she asked me.

"Everything hurts," I replied, "but mostly I'm just sad. Can we cuddle?"

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