Chapter 31

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Santana's POV

After the miscarriage, I didn't want to try to get pregnant again. Well, more like I was far more scared than I had been to try the first time. I didn't want another heartache. I didn't want to suffer through another miscarriage or trying and trying without getting pregnant again.

Brittany understood; we were going to take a break until the new year, spending time with our daughter, enjoying our holidays, and hopefully going on a short trip with just the two of us before we'd try again.

The miscarriage had happened only a few weeks after Brittany's birthday, so we still had months until we would try again. This time, I hoped nothing would go wrong. We really wanted to expand our family, but I knew that if it didn't work out, we were still extremely happy with our one beautiful daughter, or potentially adoption if nothing else worked.


"Would you like to try the pink dress or the green?" I heard Brittany ask our daughter through the walls between her bedroom and ours.

"Pink!" she exclaimed in reply.

I smiled to myself, although I hardly had the mental strength to get out of bed, I wanted to be with my daughter today, so I forced myself to. It had only been a few days since Brittany finally got me out of bed for the first time since the miscarriage, and it was still really hard, but it was getting better.


Everything was worth it to have our beautiful daughter run up to me the moment I stepped into her bedroom.

"She chose the pink dress," Brittany said, holding up a pink and white sundress with a flower on the top.

"I think it's perfect." I smiled as Brittany helped get our daughter out of her pink pyjamas and into her pink dress.

Once she was dressed, we made our way into the kitchen where Brittany (who had been awake and gotten ready long before I woke up) started to make us breakfast.

"Shouldn't you be getting dressed?" she asked me. "You don't really want to go to a party in your pyjamas."

I giggled before returning to our bedroom to get dressed.

That day was the first birthday party of Rachel and Finn's son, which they had come to Lima for. I had been surprised when we received the invitation, considering we'd only seen them a handful of times since their son was born, but Brittany wouldn't let us skip it.

After getting dressed, I joined my girls for breakfast before we grabbed our previously packed bags and headed off to Lima.

Our little girl had grown to love the drives to Lima. For those two hours, she would babble to herself and her stuffed animals and flip through her board books, completely content. We definitely got lucky in that department.

Once we got to Lima, it was almost lunch time. The Hudson's party started at 1:00, so we had some time to spare and went to Brittany's parent's for lunch.

"How's our beautiful granddaughter?" Brittany's mom asked, running to the front of the house to hug her.

"It's nice to know we exist, too," Brittany joked into my ear, causing me to laugh a little too hard.

After eating lunch, we made our way to the park where little Oliver Hudson's birthday party would be, the same park where Brittany and I had spent so much time together and where we'd gotten married just more than two years earlier.

"It's the Lopez-Pierces!" I heard Finn say once we got to the party. He walked up to us first. "How's Everly?"

"Good," she said, quickly hiding her face in my chest, since she'd been in my arms.

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