Chapter 6

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Brittany's POV

When I woke up the next morning, Santana's entire body was wrapped around mine. I needed to pee so badly I thought I might explode, so I carefully untangled her body from mine and started slipping out of her bed, grinning when she tried to grab me again. It was clear she wasn't sleeping anymore. After using the bathroom, I returned to her bed to see her with her crazy morning hair (that I loved, even though it was almost impossible to run a comb through), blinking her eyes open.

"Come cuddle with me," she said in the cutest voice I'd ever heard come out of her mouth, all raspy and tired.

I smiled and climbed back into her warm bed, hugging her torso tightly as she did the same.

"Did you turn into a cuddle monster since high school?" I asked.

"Maybe, or maybe I was always a secret cuddle monster..." She sighed. "I always wanted to cuddle you when we had sleepovers in high school, you know? But I was always so scared that you would wake up if I tried."

"You know I wouldn't have minded, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I wasn't ready to talk about that yet."

"That makes sense. So where did you get all your practice in?"

"No one. Well, except for my stuffed animals. You are the first girl I've ever dated."

"You're meaning to tell me that you haven't dated anyone since high school?"

"Well, I dated this one guy while I was still figuring myself out, and I've kissed a few girls, but it never felt right. My heart always belonged to you."


We'd decided that I would move my things into Santana's apartment on March 1st. So, when I got home from Santana's, I already started packing and told my family about what was going on.

"Why don't you want to stay with us?" my mom asked, clearly a bit offended that I was leaving again so quickly.

"I just don't feel safe here. You know I moved away to escape certain aspects of Lima, and as much as I love you and Dad and Jessica, I can't just depend on you for the rest of my life. I need to make a life for myself."

"With Santana?"

"Yeah, with Santana. She's my girlfriend now, and I want to spend more time with her. Besides, Columbus is only two hours from here, so we can visit all the time. If it means anything, I'll miss you."


I found a doctor right after our move, since my appointment in Lima was supposed to have been on March 3rd, so I found a replacement. The office in Lima sent my records to my new doctor and a week later, I had an appointment.

Santana had made sure she would be able to come with to my appointment, helping me book it when she didn't have any classes. Despite the fact that we hadn't talked about what she would be to the baby after they were born, she was very excited and supportive with anything and everything related to the baby, even when she had to stop eating pickles because the smell made me sick.

I was a little nervous for this appointment, but I knew that I was going to hit the three month mark in two days, so as long as everything went well at this appointment, I was technically "in the clear."

At the doctor's office, I was weighed, had my blood taken, and was asked a lot of questions before the doctor finally said we could listen for the baby's heartbeat. I was so excited and nervous at the same time, and when the sound finally filled the room, I felt my eyes start to tear up.

"Your baby is completely healthy," she said. "So, Brittany, now is usually when people start telling their families."

"Oh, I already have," I replied. "But maybe Santana would like to tell her family now?" I had no idea what her family knew, but I wanted them to be involved with this baby if she wanted them to.

"Yeah, maybe we'll do that," she said as we left, but I could tell by the tone of her voice that we would definitely be continuing that conversation once we were back at the apartment.


"I'm out to my parents," Santana said as soon as we got home. "I'm out to my parents, but I don't really know how they feel about it. They say they love and support me, but they've also never seen me with a girl I'm dating before."

"Okay, but they have met me before," I replied, not totally sure what to say.

"Yeah, and they liked you when we were younger, but I just don't know how they'll react to me dating a girl. They can say they support me all they want, but they've never actually seen me act 'gay.' Wow, that sounded weird, but it's true."

"Your parents love you. If you don't want to tell them yet, that's alright, but, unless we break up, which I sure hope doesn't happen, they will have to find out eventually," I said.

"I know, and I am so happy that it's hard not to tell them. Maybe I'll Face-time them tonight. Can you do it with me?" she asked.

"Of course."

So, that evening, Santana set up a Face-time call with her parents. Seeing them on the screen was a little strange. I hadn't seen her parents since high school.

"Hello, Santana," her mom said. "It's nice to see you again, even though it is on a screen."

"It's good to see you too, Mami," Santana replied, her smile clearly nervous. "You remember Brittany."

"Brittany, of course! Are you and Santana friends again? You know I've missed having you around all the time."

I looked at Santana, not completely sure how she wanted to approach the topic of conversation with her parents.

"Hi, Papi," she said, addressing her father, since he hadn't said anything yet.

"Hi, Santana," he replied. "How has school been since you got back?"

"It's been good." She paused. "Now, I have something to tell you." She took in a deep breath. "Brittany is my girlfriend."

Her father didn't react much (he looked half asleep), but at least he didn't get upset. Her mother practically jumped out of her seat.

"You know, Santana, when you told us you're gay, I wondered if Brittany was more than your friend in high school. I'm very happy for you. How did it happen?"

"We just met up again when I was in Lima, but there's something else. She's going to have a baby, and I want to be here for her for anything she needs."

"Like a parent?" her mother asked.

She looked at me, and I smiled. "If that's what she wants," I replied.

"So, you mean to tell us that we get Brittany back in our lives and a new baby? I can't wait until you're back in Lima to come visit us!" she exclaimed.

Santana looked overjoyed. "And how do you feel about that, Papi?"

"As long as you're happy, I'm happy," he said. "But, I'm very tired, so I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight, Mija."

"Your father's just been really busy with work lately," her mother said, brushing off his exit. "He may not be acting excited, but I know he supports you."

"Thank you, Mami," Santana replied.

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