Chapter 14

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Santana's POV

A week later, I got home from work to see Brittany awake and making food in the kitchen, the baby in her little swing, slowly blinking her eyes open.

"Hello, my beautiful girls," I greeted, hugging Brittany from behind before walking over to the baby and picking her up. "You look like you have more energy today."

"I do," Brittany replied. "Thank you for taking all the feedings last night."

"No problem." It was the first time I'd taken every feeding. Sure, I was tired, but I'd always woken up every two hours anyway, and it was worth it seeing how much more awake Brittany was.

Within that week, Brittany became much happier and had a lot more energy, which meant that our whole family was happier. I started taking on a few more clients to help pay for the bills, not wanting to force Brittany to go back to work with the baby still so young.

When I came home from work, Brittany was holding the baby's car seat with a sleeping baby inside in the lobby of our apartment building.

"We're bringing Everly to Jessie's," she said. "I think it's time we have an evening just to ourselves.

"Okay," I agreed, and I immediately got back in the driver's seat of my car while Brittany got the baby seat into the back and climbed into the passenger seat.

"Today isn't some important date, is it?" I asked, suddenly worried that I'd forgotten something important.

"No, but it's been a long time since we've had a date night," Brittany replied.

After dropping the baby off with Jessie, who loved our daughter so much, Brittany instructed me to drive back to our apartment.

When I stepped into our apartment, I saw why Brittany hadn't even let me change before we left. The apartment smelled like one of my favorite home cooked meals of all time, and Brittany had set up a picnic on the floor.

"I kept the food in the oven after I turned it off," she said, "so it should still be warm."

She led me to the blanket in the middle of the living room floor and told me to sit down before bringing the rest of the food over for us to eat. We ate slowly, enjoying each other's presence, and once we were done, she brought out a small dessert.

"Santana," Brittany said.

I looked up at her, smiling.

She bit her lip. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I replied.

"And I know we said we'd wait, but... will you marry me?"

I couldn't stop the tears from blurring my vision as I nodded. "Of course I'll marry you."

I felt a ring slide onto my finger and looked down to see it. "It's so beautiful. How could you afford it?"

"That's a secret," she said. "Do you like it?"

"I love it."

"Good. I really want us to get married, and then you can officially adopt Ever, and have everything we've talked about."

"Me too."

"You're okay with not waiting?" Brittany scooted closer to me.

"I am. Why should we wait any longer for something we both know we want now?"

"My feelings exactly."

I smiled down at my ring, immediately thinking about when I could get her a ring as well. She deserved one, and I wanted a chance to give her one.

"I think I'm ready," I said, surprising myself with how sure I sounded.

"Really?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah, as long as you are."

"I am."

"Okay." I leaned in, kissing Brittany gently on the lips.

I giggled into her lips when she pushed into me more, clearly not wanting to wait much longer.

"Should we go to the bed?" I asked, pulling away. I was nervous, scared that I would treat this like I had when we were teenagers. Being on the floor wasn't something I wanted for our first real time with feelings.

"Sure," Brittany replied, and we got off the floor and walked the short distance to our bedroom.

We'd seen each other naked many times since getting back together; the only thing we hadn't done was this, so we undressed each other with ease and familiarity.

"You're completely sure?" Brittany asked one last time.

"Of course," I replied, grabbing her hand and leading her to the bed.

"Okay. I love you, Santana."

"I love you too, Britt."



So, this chapter is really short and the ending is abrupt because I am way too awkward to write smut. Anyway, I hope you still enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!

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