Chapter 10

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Brittany's POV

Despite being almost nine months pregnant, I tried to make Santana's 25th birthday special. I invited Jessie over, and we spent the afternoon snacking and talking with each other.

After Jessie left, I gave Santana her present.

As she opened the box, she said, "This is too much, B."

"Do you like it?" I asked, ignoring her statement.

"Britt, I don't deserve-"

"Of course you deserve it. Plus, your present for me was so wonderful, and I have to make up for all the birthdays I missed."

"It's very pretty." She smiled, looking at the necklace I'd had special-made for her.

"Would you like me to help you put it on?" I asked.

"Sure. Thank you, B."

"You're welcome."

In the evening, Santana and I video called with her parents. Her father had finally started to show some excitement about the baby and my relationship with his daughter, so the calls had become more regular and left Santana a lot happier after.

We had a bath together after, Santana smiling when the baby kicked her hand.

"They're saying 'happy birthday' too," I said.

"I can't wait to meet them."

"Me neither."

I relaxed into Santana. Despite the fact that this was the most intimate we had been with each other since getting back together, I wasn't uncomfortable with her at all. Besides, having baths together was a lot more comfortable for me with my pregnant belly than cuddling on the bed. We stayed in the water until it got cold.

"Thanks for today," Santana said once we were in bed later that night. "I know you haven't been feeling up to much lately."

"Never too tired to celebrate your birthday," I replied.

"Well, thanks again."

"You're welcome."


"Hey, Santana?" I asked one evening while we were sitting on the couch each reading separate baby books, despite the fact that Santana was a registered midwife.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I know we've talked a bit about what it will be like once the baby is here, but I just wanted to ask you officially if you could be the baby's second parent."

"Well, I can't officially sign any papers unless we're married, remember? And I thought you said we weren't ready for marriage yet."

"Still, until we get married, you can be the baby's second parent, even if you aren't on paper."

"So we're going to get married, then?"

"Of course. I always thought we would," I replied, slightly confused.

"No, I always thought that too, I just mean, wow, it feels so weird. I never pictured myself as a parent."

"Why not?"

"I guess I just pictured myself lonely for the rest of my life, except when I dreamt about life with you. I never did think that would happen, though."

"Well, Santana Lopez, you are living it, and you will be a great mother and one day you will also make a great wife."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. I can't wait to have this baby with you."

"I can't wait either."


By the day of the baby's due date, I was tired of being pregnant. Everything ached, and I could hardly move. I had to pee every ten minutes, and I was more than ready to meet our baby.

I could tell Santana was getting antsy too, but she got ready for work that morning like she would any other day.

"Make sure to call me if something-"

"I know," I interrupted her. "You've been telling me this for months."

"Yeah, but, we both know what today is, so please, call me if anything, and I mean anything, happens."

"I will," I said. "Bye, Santana. I love you."

"I love you, too."

My days at home were getting even more dull than they ever had been. All I could do was go to the bathroom, try to sleep (although no position was comfortable), and sit in the rocking chair in the baby's room, staring longingly at all the baby things I couldn't use yet.

When Santana got home after work, she came into the baby's room where I was sitting.

"I have some news," she said.

I looked up at her curiously.

"I decided today that I am going to take two months of maternity leave, starting today. I told my boss that my girlfriend is having a baby, and I'm done working until after Thanksgiving."

I jumped up (well, more like pulled myself out of the chair, since my pregnant stomach made it hard to do any jumping) and hugged Santana the best I could (again, the stomach).

"That's wonderful! Does that mean you came out at work?"

"Yeah, I mean it isn't like I was hiding or anything, but now my boss knows that I have a girlfriend who's having a baby."

"Yeah, but not today," I mumbled.

"That's alright. I'm sure our baby will be here soon," she said smiling.

"I love it when you say 'our baby.'"

"Me too."


Three days after my due date, I was still pregnant. I'd had another doctor's appointment on my due date, and Santana was constantly checking up on me, but clearly the baby wasn't ready to come yet.

So, when I felt a radiating pain in my stomach just before Santana was due to come home from work that day, I brushed it off as Braxton Hicks contractions. I'd had them before and these felt much the same. By the time Santana came home though, I wasn't so sure.

"I think I just had a contraction," I told her. "For real this time."

"Okay," she replied. "Well, I'll check you over if you want, and we can start timing your contractions." She looked a little nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking that?" she replied.

"Maybe, but you look a little scared."

"I am, but everything will be okay. I'm excited too, you know?"

"Me too. Now, am I in labor?"

"Yeah, you are."

I let out a sigh of relief. As nervous as I was to actually give birth, I couldn't wait to meet the baby.

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