Chapter 29

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Santana's POV

On the day that we could finally take the pregnancy test, Brittany ran to the store to pick up three (since three was our lucky number) pregnancy tests while I played dolls with Everly. We'd considered taking one early, but all the stories we'd heard online said that that could make the waiting process worse. So, we were cautiously optimistic but tried not to think about the possibilities too much.

Brittany and I waited until after Everly was asleep in her bedroom before heading into our bathroom together with the pregnancy tests.

"Are you ready for this?" Brittany asked, clearly nervous and excited enough for the both of us, despite how much I felt those emotions run through my own body.

"Nervous, but ready," I replied.

"Okay." She handed me the first test as I peed on each of them. Then, we set them on the counter to wait.

"Remember that if it's negative, it's not your fault," Brittany said.

"I know, and it's not yours either."

When the timer on Brittany's phone went off, I found that I could not look at the tests. I was even more nervous than I'd thought I would be.

"Can you look?" I asked.

"Of course," she replied. She paused. "Santana."


"You're pregnant!"

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, look!" She handed me each of the three tests, all which indicated that I was indeed pregnant.

"Oh, wow, I don't know what to say. I'm so happy, but it all just feels so surreal."

"I know the feeling," Brittany said with a wide smile on her face before grabbing me in a tight hug and giving me a quick kiss.

"Is it bad that all I want to do is go to bed?" I asked.

"Not at all," she replied. "There will be plenty of time for celebration, but if you're tired, then we can go to bed."


The next morning, we had a doctor's appointment. Jessie had the day off, so Everly got to go to their apartment instead of the hospital daycare, which she was excited about. I hoped she wasn't starting to feel abandoned, since we were spending less time with her with all our appointments, but she wasn't acting any different than usual.

The doctor took my blood (which hadn't gotten much easier) to confirm that I really was pregnant.

"Congrats!" she said. "I'll see you back here again in a month."

I was feeling good mentally but physically exhausted. Being a midwife, I knew a lot about pregnancy and the science behind everything that was happening in my body, but I had no idea how it would affect my body.

We had decided to leave Everly with Jessie a little longer (since Jessie insisted, even though we hadn't told them the actual reason why we needed someone to watch her), so once we got home, we let ourselves get truly excited.

"So, a spring baby," Brittany said.

"Wow, I guess you're right. I didn't even think about that. Is it weird that I feel even less pregnant now that I know I am?"

"Maybe, but you don't really have any symptoms yet besides how tired you are. I'm sure you'll feel pregnant when you get more symptoms."

"Yeah. I am really excited, though! Won't Everly be a great big sister?"

"Definitely. She'll be the best."

"Speaking of Everly. We should probably go pick her up now."

"Yeah, I guess we should. It's going to be hard not telling her yet."

"It will, but it's for the best."


Brittany's POV

I was ecstatic after we found out Santana was pregnant on our first try. So much so that I almost called my family to tell them, but then I remembered why we didn't want to tell anyone yet, and I kept my mouth shut, as hard as it was.

"Happy birthday, Mama!"

I woke up to Everly climbing onto our bed my birthday morning, only a day after our doctor's appointment to confirm that Santana was pregnant. Reaching my hand for Santana, I realized that she was standing behind Everly with breakfast in bed, one of our family traditions.

"Thanks, Evie!" I sat up against my pillow.

After we finished eating, Everly and Santana left and came back each holding something behind their backs.

"I got you a present," Everly said, handing me a drawing she'd made.

"Thank you, sweetie."

Santana handed me my breakfast in bed. "Happy birthday, B," she whispered, kissing me quickly before handing me a wrapped gift.

"That's from me too! And Mami," Everly said, nearly jumping on the bed.

I opened it carefully to find a necklace with Santana, Everly, and my birthstones on it. Noting that there was room to add more.

"Thank you," I said, putting it on immediately. "What's the plan for today?"

"We're going to the zoo!" Everly exclaimed.

"Are we? That sounds fun."

"We'll see the lions and... and the penguins! They're my fav'rite, you know?"

"I do."

"Okay." She climbed off the bed. "We should get ready to go now!"

Santana giggled, and we both followed Everly into her bedroom.

Once we were all dressed and ready, we made our way to the zoo. I couldn't help my mind from wandering to the future when we'd have a baby to bring with us to the zoo, but I still tried to stay in the present, soaking up the moments where Everly was still our only child.


Unfortunately, Santana started to feel sick while we were at the zoo. While she didn't throw up, we decided to go home early, but only once Everly had seen her favorite animals, of course.

We relaxed for the rest of the day. My parents and I video chatted, and Santana's parents called to say 'hello' as well. I was glad Santana didn't make a huge deal out of my birthday because, even though I'd loved it so much as a child and teenager, I also loved having a day I could just spend with my wife and daughter. It was my best birthday so far.



Thanks for reading! Again, I love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and predictions, so comment if you have any!

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