
597 21 2

warnings: domestic a*use


Clara Anderson


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Abby was the first out of the SUV. Spencer followed and then Hotch quickly made his way round the vehicle to join them. The rest of the team appeared next them immediately after; having been just behind them on the drive over.

They had parked - or rather Hotch and Morgan had ditched the cars - at the entrance to the road. The team had started to make their way down, there were a few local officers running passed them and a few seemed to be spreading out between a number of neighbours who were hovering around their driveways. Abby and Spencer exchanged a cautious look as, one by one, they noticed the cop car that was parked on a driveway opposite.

"Reid, Laurens, with me - we'll talk to Detective Morton and local officers to try and find out the situation with the officer that owns the car. Morgan, Rossi and JJ, talk to the neighbour who made the call." Hotch instructed, nodding to the man in the driveway.

Abby and Spencer followed Hotch over to the middle of the road.

"Detective." Hotch said loudly, drawing the attention of Detective Morton. He immediately excused himself from his current conversation. "What can you tell us about Harvey Anderson?"

Garcia had called them all briefly on the way over to them tell the name of the man who owned the car and that she had followed the car back from a small grocery store about five minutes from their current address and about 10 minutes from the station.

"Office Anderson?" Detective Morgan asked slightly taken aback, "Well - I, uh-"

"Detective, did you know that this was Anderson's home address?" Abby asked, her voice was firm and slightly accusatory; just as she intended it to be.

"Yes but-"

"He couldn't possibly do anything like this?" Spencer finished his sentence for him. Abby scoffed. Hotch continued to stare at the detective but his expression had shifted from firm and professional to angry. None of them particularly enjoyed being lied to.

"You don't understand-"

"With all due respect, Detective, you called us in and you asked for our profile. We profiled him as being a man who was in a position of power and was used to his demands being obeyed." Hotch scolded.

"A member of law enforcement is always first on that list." Abby added, making sure he heard the annoyance in her voice.

"Anderson's wife isn't well. He takes care of her."

The three agents exchanged subtle sideward glances. "Our technical analyst never mentioned his wife was receiving any care, and he wasn't having any help financially or anything otherwise to suggest he was a carer."

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