twenty six

503 15 3

short one to build up to the next cus well you'll see :)

𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚡

i predicted a riot


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Spencer could feel Abby trembling from beneath his arm, he wondered if she could feel him shaking too. If it were anyone else in front of them, perhaps maybe if it were even just a year ago, they would've felt very differently about the situation. But the encounter in the main cells told both the agents exactly what was at the forefront of every prisoners mind the second they had set eyes on Abby.



Spencer and Abby yelled out respectively. Their calls wouldn't have even reached beyond Grey - who was still, ironically, guarding the door - let alone through the chaos of the corridors and thick walls of the cells.

"They're not coming to save you." Grey whispered maliciously.

Abby's nonchalant exterior was starting to crack, as was Spencer's. However, he managed, somehow, to look over Grey's shoulder and through the small glass window that looked into the main serial killer wing.


And just like that, with just one word, Abby's walls crumbled. In the year that she had known Spencer she had heard him swear a handful of times - that wasn't a moan or expletive when they were alone.


"The cells are open."

Abby fought the urge to place her hands over her ears as the alarms continued to blare obnoxiously loudly, but they, strangely, provided her with a sense of comfort. Because it meant that people were coming. But that comfort was squashed the second she reached over to look through the glass and noticed men in orange jumpsuits walking freely.

A large number were seeming to be disappearing somewhere into the ceiling but one was heading straight towards them and it was Everwool.


Hotch and Morgan leapt up at the sound of the alarm. Morag had given them everything, every name, every dump site and when, where and how they had all been killed.

"What's going on?" Hotch asked the warden who had staggered into the room.

"T-they've got out."

"Who!" Morgan yelled, both himself and Hotch instinctively reaching for their guns only to obviously come up empty handed, having secured them in the lockers in the reception. Even their hidden ones in the holster on their ankles.

"All of them!"

It was obvious the warden was horrendously out of his depth.

"That riot you mentioned earlier, Warden? I don't think they let it go." Morgan said slowly, his eyes wandering hesitantly over to Morag who was sat smirking proudly, his hands still cuffed to the table.

"How did they get out?" Hotch asked, his voice deep and powerful, immediately taking control of the situation.

"I don't know. I was called out of the control room next to where Agent Laurens and Doctor Reid were but then I heard two loud bangs and then the alarms went off. I-it sounded like gunshots but I didn't see any prisoners or anyone hurt on the way over."

Hotch and Morgan looked at each other, to everyone else their faces looked completely calm and professional but they saw the fear in one another's eyes. Two shots.

"Warden, are your guards armed?"

A look of horrific realization crossed the warden's face. "Oh god."

Hotch didn't waste anymore time. He raced out the room, Morgan and the warden following closely behind.

"Hey! What about me!" Morag screamed after them. Morgan felt a slight feeling of smugness as he heard the fear in Morag's voice.

Morgan turned back to the prisoner and placed his palms flat on the table, towering over Morag. It was obvious he had something to do with this, but ratting Garvez out to the Feds wasn't part of the plan and once he had finished whatever his endgame was with Abby and Spencer, he was going to come straight for Morag.

"We'll lock the door." Morgan said simply, turning back and following after Hotch and the warden leaving Morag kicking and screaming behind him.

"Hotch!" Morgan called out, catching up with the two in the small corridor where they had last seen Spencer and Abby. "What's going on?"

Hotch didn't reply, he couldn't. Morgan followed Hotch's worried eyes, and that was when he saw it too. The small room just beyond those doors was filled with prisoners wandering freely.

"They've locked the doors." The warden stated, rather needlessly. That much was obvious.

"But they can't get out? That's something?"

"It's - it's an old prison." The warden stuttered.

"They've got air vents." Hotch added solemnly. The likelihood is that most of them had already spread out to the rest of the prison.

The warden finally picked up his radio.

"Sir! They're out! We need help! The doors - they're out!"

The three men exchanged a panicked glance. Morgan and Hotch looked through the small glass windows at the top of the doors, trying desperately to catch sight of Abby and/or Spencer, but they couldn't see them anywhere.

"We can't get to the control room by this wing but we have the main one. If we're quick we can get out. I can take us through the back way."

Hotch looked intently through the doors again.


Morgan didn't envy the Unit Chief because now he had to make the impossible decision whether to stay or leave. Rationally, they both knew that they would be much more help to Abby and Spencer from the communication point but if they did that it would feel like they were walking away from them both.

Hotch knotted his eyebrows. "Warden, let's go."

Neither of the other men questioned him, instead they all just set off in the opposite direction.

"Morgan call Rossi, I want them all on the jet and down here, now."

But there was something in Hotch's subconscious that was telling him that even the BAU were way out of their depth.

. . . . . . . . . .

another double update bbys
next chapter is much longer and I cried writing it soooo :)

don't forget to vote and comment, it really does mean a lot. i hope you're enjoying 'silenced'.

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